Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
It was a classified briefing, he gets them all the time and is not suppose to talk about it, he explained this at the end of the interview Buck.
If he wins yer gonna become a Bernie Bro buck, you will be assimilated, resistance is futile... :D Ya don't wanna end up looking like Lindsay and Ted when they bad mouthed Trump before the nomination and then sucked his ass! Bugeye is just waiting to throw all the nasty things ya said about old Bernie in yer face, think of the future Buck!
He could have still spoken out for Russia to stop their hit campaign on the rest of the Democratic field, such as the Kamala Harris bullshit aimed to make it seem like she was arresting every marijuana user and locking them up and blowing her way to the top, and everything they slammed Biden with in the last month too. Amplifying every pro-Bernie message, while ganging up on people who support other candidates to drown them out. Having their political puppets (like Trump and Republicans) go on air and change the stories while simultaneously having their paid writers amplify certain stories at key times in the races

But he didn't, even though he knew it was happening to help his campaign.

All without disclosing information from his classified hearing about how the Russians were helping his campaign.


Well-Known Member
He could have still spoken out for Russia to stop their hit campaign on the rest of the Democratic field, such as the Kamala Harris bullshit aimed to make it seem like she was arresting every marijuana user and locking them up and blowing her way to the top, and everything they slammed Biden with in the last month too. Amplifying every pro-Bernie message, while ganging up on people who support other candidates to drown them out. Having their political puppets (like Trump and Republicans) go on air and change the stories while simultaneously having their paid writers amplify certain stories at key times in the races

But he didn't, even though he knew it was happening to help his campaign.

All without disclosing information from his classified hearing about how the Russians were helping his campaign.
Only weak minded people like yourself would believe something someone said without checking facts.


Well-Known Member
He could have still spoken out for Russia to stop their hit campaign on the rest of the Democratic field, such as the Kamala Harris bullshit aimed to make it seem like she was arresting every marijuana user and locking them up and blowing her way to the top, and everything they slammed Biden with in the last month too. Amplifying every pro-Bernie message, while ganging up on people who support other candidates to drown them out. Having their political puppets (like Trump and Republicans) go on air and change the stories while simultaneously having their paid writers amplify certain stories at key times in the races

But he didn't, even though he knew it was happening to help his campaign.

All without disclosing information from his classified hearing about how the Russians were helping his campaign.
I don't want to get too involved in the democratic nomination process other than observing, commenting, joking, encouraging and promoting social harmony among those opposed to Trump. I do like Bernie and I think he's a good man and a loyal American who's consistent message has been one of anti corruption. This part of the process is American business and I'm here for the big show, the doing of the Donald and will support anybody who opposes him, Trump betrayed my country and NATO too and that makes this part of it my business as well. Trump is not just a national security threat to your country, he is one to mine as well.

The devil is in the details and you folks will have to live with those details and taxes, not me. If Trump wins we can both kiss our democracies goodbye and things will become very dark and violent in America if Trump wins or even comes close. Donald wanted to internationalize the American election and folks like me are a consequence of that, but I do it up front and honestly. If the Russians can fuck with Uncle Sam's asshole I can at least play with his assholes! I do election interference Canadian style, besides a Canadian owns this site and I wanna drum up business for him, since he was nice enough to upgrade the site and tighten up security!


Well-Known Member
You do you, Ill do me.
that's about the smartest thing you have said. Please allow me to mute your dumb ass because you serve no purpose and my life would be much better not seeing your spam after spam after spam after spam after spam after spam after spam after spam. I though Pada was bad you take the fucking cake.


Well-Known Member
you think the moon is made of cheese
Why did you take down that picture of you sitting across from your wife ? Could not make out if that was a man or woman you only showed knees. By the way, why was your pants so damn filthy with all your child toys around. and those fucking socks. were they white once or always dirty dingy just damn nasty. You eat dinner with that shit on. Your wife lets you just chill like that. You nasty bro just plain filthy . Credit to the neatness of the childs toys, but keep that filth away from her.


Well-Known Member
I already have full health coverage for my whole family, paid by my employer. I don't need coverage, but I'd like for everyone in my neighborhood to also have complete health care.
I would rather they have the option if they want it and not to be forced. I'm sure there's 30 trillion dollars lying around somewhere though.


Well-Known Member
Why did you take down that picture of you sitting across from your wife ? Could not make out if that was a man or woman you only showed knees. By the way, why was your pants so damn filthy with all your child toys around. and those fucking socks. were they white once or always dirty dingy just damn nasty. You eat dinner with that shit on. Your wife lets you just chill like that. You nasty bro just plain filthy . Credit to the neatness of the childs toys, but keep that filth away from her.
You never worked a construction job I am guessing by such a stupid comment.