
My strawberries are starting to bloom.

Nice I have the makings of a pretty good crop of blueberries for the size of the bushes. Also got a few peaches on my trees. Need to get the fence back up before the deer decide to trim them for me.
Nice I have the makings of a pretty good crop of blueberries for the size of the bushes. Also got a few peaches on my trees. Need to get the fence back up before the deer decide to trim them for me.
Lol i hear ya there. Gotta build a fence this yr to protect strawberries, blueberries n asparagas from the bunnies.

The buggers even ate my rose bushes last fall
Nice I have the makings of a pretty good crop of blueberries for the size of the bushes. Also got a few peaches on my trees. Need to get the fence back up before the deer decide to trim them for me.

My blueberries look like they're going to be loaded also. But I'm really looking forward to the strawberries. They're the Hood variety and thanks to California and they're two week shelf life berries you can't buy them in the store anymore.

I have a couple dozen primocanes popping up from the raspberries so they're spreading pretty good in the row I have. As for my peach tree. It looks like it's setting fruit. It was nice and sunny and not raining when it was at the peak of blooming. I saw pollinators flying around so My only concern is if the peach leaf curl comes back. I sprayed numerous times over the winter so hopefully I have it under control.

Interesting article about the Hood strawberries.

The Strawberry Defined Oregon. But Is It Going Away?
The Oregon strawberry may get squished by sturdier competition from California.

The Oregon strawberry is a fragile treasure.
It's fire-engine red, bursting with flavor, and sweeter and juicier than berries from anywhere else in the United States.

But the Oregon strawberry wasn't built to last.
It's highly perishable: The Hood variety, Oregon's best known, needs to be sold within one day of picking during its three- to four-week season before shoppers will reject it as too ripe.
Woah I love berries

I live in NY city someone send me some real oregon and cali strawberry

I have not had a good berry since I left Italy this thread inspire me to grow some berries

They got Oregon or cali strawberry that keep coming back multi harvest?
Woah I love berries

I live in NY city someone send me some real oregon and cali strawberry

I have not had a good berry since I left Italy this thread inspire me to grow some berries

They got Oregon or cali strawberry that keep coming back multi harvest?

The Oregon berry is what you want for a really flavorful berry. The California ones are getting better but they're nothing compared to a fresh picked Oregon strawberry. They have a much longer shelf life so that's what the stores want. People end up putting sugar on them to make them sweeter. You don't need any sugar with a fresh Hood strawberry from Oregon.

There are what's called everbearing strawberries that grow in Oregon that have berries from spring to fall. But the best are the Hoods. They only have a few weeks of berries but those few weeks are berry heaven.
The Oregon berry is what you want for a really flavorful berry. The California ones are getting better but they're nothing compared to a fresh picked Oregon strawberry. They have a much longer shelf life so that's what the stores want. People end up putting sugar on them to make them sweeter. You don't need any sugar with a fresh Hood strawberry from Oregon.

There are what's called everbearing strawberries that grow in Oregon that have berries from spring to fall. But the best are the Hoods. They only have a few weeks of berries but those few weeks are berry heaven.

sounds yummy

I want some to grow some where do they sell them?
Man I really need some good strawberry anyone want to sell me some oregon strawberry I got paypal

If that is against the rules sorry I really like strawberries
Man I really need some good strawberry anyone want to sell me some oregon strawberry I got paypal

If that is against the rules sorry I really like strawberries

I'd send you some plants for free but it's too late for Hoods. They're June bearing berries and only produce fruit in the spring. You'll want to get some day neutral or everbearing strawberries if you want to get any berries to eat this summer.

It looks like they have several varieties available here. I've never used the site but know people that have. It's a reputable vendor.

If you want berries this year you had better order some everbearing or day neutral soon. I can send you some Hood runners when the plants start sending them out but that will be months away.

Realistically though you should plan now for next season. There are June bearing berries that are better for New York. Honeoye or Earlyglow are varieties that would be good for your region. But you won't get any berries this year.

For everbearing berries that you might get berries to eat this season if you planted soon, I would go with the Albion off that site I posted. In fact I'm going to order some myself.
I'd send you some plants for free but it's too late for Hoods. They're June bearing berries and only produce fruit in the spring. You'll want to get some day neutral or everbearing strawberries if you want to get any berries to eat this summer.

It looks like they have several varieties available here. I've never used the site but know people that have. It's a reputable vendor.

If you want berries this year you had better order some everbearing or day neutral soon. I can send you some Hood runners when the plants start sending them out but that will be months away.

Realistically though you should plan now for next season. There are June bearing berries that are better for New York. Honeoye or Earlyglow are varieties that would be good for your region. But you won't get any berries this year.

For everbearing berries that you might get berries to eat this season if you planted soon, I would go with the Albion off that site I posted. In fact I'm going to order some myself.

Ty I will take a look I am going to post a picture of the ones i have going they are dristol strawberry and come back multi harvest not just once but prob junk also
Not sure about strawberries, but we use Holly/tone organic azalea ferts for blueberries. It's time to feed them too.

I've been just adding a 2-3 layer of compost in the early spring and it seems to be working. But I definitely could be doing more. I thinking about using some fish emulsion what do you think. I can't use that stinky shit inside hahaha.

I'll get the Holly tone for sure, thanks @too larry .
what is the best kind of strawberry that keeps coming back and multiplies

I am berry noob

I don't know what the best Berry's are . But I started with 12 sets and that multiplied itself into over a hundred, their ever bearing and I get Berry's from mid April through November but I am in the southern states. Not a lot of berrys at one time but a steady flow and since I like fresh berrys and don't make jam or pies ever bearing are perfect for me.
@xtsho what is your go to fertilizer for strawberries, blueberries .

Sorry I didn't get back to you.

I use an Acid mix from Down to Earth for the blueberries and some rhododendrons I have in the front yard. I also added some soil sulfur to the blueberries to lower the pH. Which reminds me I need to give the blueberries a light fertilizing and then cover the ground with straw. Pine mulch is what many use but I don't have any. Pine mulch helps lower the pH which blueberries like.

For the strawberries I just use a basic 10-10-10 mix. I grow June bearing berries so I fertilize in August and not in the spring. Everbearing and day neutral varieties should probably be fertilized in early spring and then again later on in the summer.


Blueberries are doing great and are loaded with berries. It's also looking like a bumper crop for my little strawberry patch. Most will end up in the freezer since there will be too many ripening at once for us to eat and Hoods only keep a few days. Hoods are June bearing so they'll be done in a couple weeks from when they start to ripen. The raspberries are really spreading which is what I want. Not going to be much this year but next year should be much better. The tayberry is doing pretty good. There won't be many berries this year either but next year will be better.





Raspberry on the left tayberry on the right. They're really spreading and growing like crazy. I don't have much space to train rows of canes so I'm just going to let them grow in patches.
