Well-Known Member
I've used tents that didn't last 2 grows, the main zipper was frayed to hell......also had tents with lots of pinholes in them/
I've seen tents without a viewing window, some tents have poles that can hold some weight.
There are differences that matter a lot, to me and others.
The very thickness and density of the material used even helps.
I'm aware of the difference between cheap tents and more expensive tents... You didn't answer my question though, you said I needed a quality tent to grow quality flowers, but nothing you mentioned is going to change flower quality. Longevity of the tent sure, but for as long as it lasts I mentain that the buds grown in cheap tents are exactly the same as if the only change to the grow was a top notch tent. All my tents have seen way more than two grows and I haven't had any issues with zippers or material ripping or anything.