Best all- around nutrients for flowering?


Well-Known Member
Was wondering, What do you consider the best nutrients are for flowering. Price doesn't matter, high dollar or low dollar. I know there's alot out there and bad ones to. What I'm hoping to see is one that is used by a majority or one highly recommended by a lot of users. I'm sure there's favorites, what I like to hear from are long time growers, 5 or more years. But any grower can put their choice, again hi dollar, low dollar or make your own. I'm several days away so I'm new to growing and curious.


Well-Known Member
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha, Stupid questions don't even get stupid answers any more. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha


Well-Known Member
Was wondering, What do you consider the best nutrients are for flowering. Price doesn't matter, high dollar or low dollar. I know there's alot out there and bad ones to. What I'm hoping to see is one that is used by a majority or one highly recommended by a lot of users. I'm sure there's favorites, what I like to hear from are long time growers, 5 or more years. But any grower can put their choice, again hi dollar, low dollar or make your own. I'm several days away so I'm new to growing and curious.
well, you leave a lot to guess. What medium are you growing in? whats ur setup? all that good stuff. However, without even knowing that i can almost say that you cant go wrong with general Hydro 3 part system. its been around for YEARS for a REASON... it works. and the great thing about the 3 part is once you know the signs you can VERY easily adjust everything to get the correct NPK ratios for your specific plant (for instance i have one strain that likes a LOT of cal/mag and another that just likes less PPMs)

best advice would be not to buy into all the marketing hype / bullshit from manufactures. start with the basics then experiment til you find what works best for you and your gorw. here is what i would do.

Start off with general hydro 3 part and USE THEIR FORMULA. if you are new, just follow the schedule. remember though you will NEVER be at 100% of what the schedule is recommending. I would start out at even 40% and see where your PPM's are. once you are more experienced, then you can experiment. I started with ONLY the 3 part and none of the extra stuff (cause all the extra stuff is expensive and you dont NEED it, but some of it is actually pretty good) then started adding more as i go. I now use the 3 part, GH calimagic (way better than botanicare IMO), diamond nectar, florablend, rapid start (root excelerator from GH that is BOOOOOMB), a little protekt (silicone) and some H202, and once in flower, it gets the liquid cool bloom and eventually the dyr kool bloom.

hope this helps a little.

there are other good nute companies, but you are not going to find one that makes a night / day difference in your plants.