Best anti-marijuana ad yet


Well-Known Member
Just saw this on TV...think it is the best anti-weed commercial ive seen so far. I really thought it was "anti-drinking" until it said above the influence at the end :cuss:

i cant say ive ever "high called" anyone b4??




Well-Known Member
One major reason pots illegal, so alot of people are so pissed off at the government they don't vote. If you are not heard, by voting, than you don't exsist. It worked for a while but not anymore. It seems pot doesn't destroy you and make you a worthless hippie, not to say there aren't regular hippies but the worthless kind usually are on two or three different acids, dmt, and cocaine isn't unheard of. This is not the generation of pot smokers we see now. It turns out peeps can just use one drug and use it in a moderational way to make sure that ones quality of life is still pursued as a main focus. Some peeps are enchanted only by the "darkness" of it, those people were predetermined to be moreons but i'd rather see them grow pot than make bombs, if they are both illegal, only comparison. Surely there are some people in america that are mad they can't make bombs, Or is that legal? Wouldn't that be something crazy. If its not it should be. I smell horrible today, damm cheap soap. No sales today. Glad i wake and baled.............


Well-Known Member
One major reason pots illegal, so alot of people are so pissed off at the government they don't vote. If you are not heard, by voting, than you don't exsist. It worked for a while but not anymore. It seems pot doesn't destroy you and make you a worthless hippie, not to say there aren't regular hippies but the worthless kind usually are on two or three different acids, dmt, and cocaine isn't unheard of. This is not the generation of pot smokers we see now. It turns out peeps can just use one drug and use it in a moderational way to make sure that ones quality of life is still pursued as a main focus. Some peeps are enchanted only by the "darkness" of it, those people were predetermined to be moreons but i'd rather see them grow pot than make bombs, if they are both illegal, only comparison. Surely there are some people in america that are mad they can't make bombs, Or is that legal? Wouldn't that be something crazy. If its not it should be. I smell horrible today, damm cheap soap. No sales today. Glad i wake and baled.............

pisses me off when idiots point out what effects ganja can have on u if its abused.... TOO MUCH OF ANYTHING IS BAD FOR YOU :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member

was that a UK advert? ive not seen that on TV before.

the UK adverts on the TV an radio are the worst ever. whoever makes them needs shooting.


Well-Known Member
the best line in that ad was the kid laying on the couch "I let people draw on me" rofl!!! it seemed to be more of a anti drinking ad then pot!


Well-Known Member
the best line in that ad was the kid laying on the couch "I let people draw on me" rofl!!! it seemed to be more of a anti drinking ad then pot!

i thought the best one was.

"i left 27 messages on my ex gfs phone" - haaa!! that would be funny. crank callin ur ex gf. ive done something similar, just to a mate though.


Well-Known Member
pisses me off when idiots point out what effects ganja can have on u if its abused.... TOO MUCH OF ANYTHING IS BAD FOR YOU :eyesmoke:
I've abused weed before, mass quantities of high THC bud. never had any bad effects on me. I'm more pro everything weed, doesn't matter if you abuse it as long as you don't let it bring your entire life down.

I don't support abuse of course, but cannabis is /really/ the only drug that you can abuse without severe adverse affects. the worst thing that might happen to you is you'll gain a ridiculous tolerance and you might have trouble running :P.

but once you hit the abuse stage, and realize that it's not worth abusing, you reach this level in which small amounts of weed are very significant, and it becomes an entirely different habit after that.

well that's what happened to me anyways. any of you who have abuse problems hope you reach the same conclusion I did . . . less is more.


Well-Known Member
Every time I see this commercial I wonder what your little sister would have worth stealing

This seems more like a commercial for crack heads and alcoholics not potheads


Well-Known Member
it's so ridiculous. these commercials are a desperate attempt to cling to the people already brainwashed by the bullshit drugwar propaganda.

seriously, they're losing numbers and they know it. they're going to be pushing out these commercials until they run out of money . . .


Well-Known Member
Dude they're funded by the tobacco and alcohol industries so people will still buy their products instead of smoking pot, which is way better for your health and being high is way better than being drunk


Well-Known Member
it's so ridiculous. these commercials are a desperate attempt to cling to the people already brainwashed by the bullshit drugwar propaganda.

seriously, they're losing numbers and they know it. they're going to be pushing out these commercials until they run out of money . . .
not likely with their $100+ million budget.


Well-Known Member
obama's making bug cuts to all sorts of programs. maybe he'll realize we don't need 100 million dollars dedicated to brainwashing adolescents.


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