Best Anti-mold Spray?


Well-Known Member
As my clones are starting to bud I would like to keep a bottle of anti-mold spray on hand just in case the buds start to show signs of mold. I've used some stuff from orchard supply although it was not very effective for containing mold problems possibly due to low sulfur content. Has anyone used anti-mold spray that was effective???


i just grab a small handfull and toss it at the plants its a powder yeah know so i try to dust everthing with it will help dry out the mold but not your leaves ..also the ph helps to kill the mold and it is very eazy to wash off ..ive used it the 3 times ive ran into mold and it strait killed it .....but you have to make sure the root of the promblem is gone like keeping your room clean watching your humidity that sort of thing hope that helps


Well-Known Member
i just grab a small handfull and toss it at the plants its a powder yeah know so i try to dust everthing with it will help dry out the mold but not your leaves ..also the ph helps to kill the mold and it is very eazy to wash off ..ive used it the 3 times ive ran into mold and it strait killed it .....but you have to make sure the root of the promblem is gone like keeping your room clean watching your humidity that sort of thing hope that helps
Do you have to use water to wash the powder off? Using water sounds like trouble to me. Do u think spraying air would work?


Well-Known Member
Is this something that you apply before hand in order to prevent or do you spray at site of mold? Also where do u purchase?
I bought mine at a nursery but I think you might be able to get it at Lowe's or HD or your local Hydro store would have it. too. It will say 70% neem oil, you will mix it with water and use a spray bottle to apply. The mix on mine is 1 oz. to 1 gal. of water. Works well for pests and haven't had any mold problems since I started using it. I spray my plants every 14 days. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
If you have easy access to your plants remove the affected areas immediately to prevent it from spreading. Shake off excess water after it rains if you can.

I found that anti mold sprays don't work very well for several reasons. The rain, which causes mold in my case, washes away the sulfur based sprays. Also, mold forms deep in the bud, so a topical spray isn't very effective. Although, if you are still going to spray, I would use it preventative measure. Same way with bugs. One of the first thing I do after transplanting is hit them with a light dose of Safer End All.


Active Member
i am hydro and have some 4 weeks in to flower and some are 8 weeks about to get pulled .. i have more mold on the 4 week ones but also some on the others and it is very close to the buds