Best Band to listen to while high?


Well-Known Member
yo bot you need to chill the fuck out your dis respecting this site and a whole lot a people think about the shit you say/write before you do it maybe you wont look like such a dumb ass.... were all entitled to our opinion, so whoever you like you like i like kmk and think its good music so i posted it but then stupid ass people like you get on here and rip people for liking music of a diff kind then you..??? its the other way bro i've met a lot a douches like you....... congrats on being the millionth jack ass...


Well-Known Member
hahaha, you just reinforced your doucheness with the weezy and jeezy comment. ive never even heard kmk before. i think they had a song on the radio like 5 years back. i was mostly just giving you shit for the hell of it. but your still a toolbag.


Well-Known Member
dmb = Dave mathews band. I will download some KMK just for you, any song recomendations?


Well-Known Member
they are more underground but some good songs are positive vibes, one day,it aint easy,mostly any depending on your mood at the time


Well-Known Member
why in the HELL has only 1 person said sublime?

bradley knowels was basically a marijuana prophet with heroin in his vanes

he even stated he only sang if he was high, and he said ALOT


Active Member
Wow 6 count 'em 6 pages and not one person suggested the DEAD!!!! #1 can't beat em IMHO. I also really like Little Feat, Eric Clapton, Peter Gabriel, Tom Petty... oh hell I like it all lol. Pot makes music better :-)


Active Member
I tend to enjoy very complicated music and well structured music. Tool, Dream Theater, Liquid Tension experiment, Opeth. Music along those lines are enjoyable and close to my stoned heart.


Well-Known Member
alice cooper, blondie, mammas n pappas,

motorhead, nuclear assult, chuck berry(yeah mabeline)

oh yeah sabbath especially sabbath


Active Member
Slightly Stoopid- Live and Direct album is the best they are all appropiate
The Black Keys
The Beta Band

And has anybody not mentioned Phish?


Well-Known Member
Listen to Rammstein if you want to listen to some metal/rock or listen to Lil Wayne/Immortal Technique if you wanna hear rap.


Well-Known Member
One of my all time fav's Smashing Pumpkins and an oldie but goodie, Billy Joel. Here are some of my fresh mellow favorites. 1)Joe Purdy, Cant Seem to get it right today.2)Yael Naim , New Soul 3) Sarah Barrellis Love song. And for anyone whos into some alternative , check out Guano Apes , Open your eyes.