said, ive organised my self pretty well... and harvested my blue moonshine yesterday the time im back theyll be ready to be jared up and cured....
check em out.....
Nice stuff man. Yea i like orginization. I got mine set up so i chop right before my 4/20 trip and jar it when i get back. To bad i couldnt have it ready for the trip
busted by the german police damnit...... so just to let out my frustration.... we left home yesterday at 9 at night drove through luxembourg, france, then a little part of germany where they stopped us at the boarder.... 2 dreads in a haggard car... couldnt be missed i guess...
they searched through all our stuff... to finally find 5 g's of mazzar, under the front seat... and along with that a little jar of guarana.... (brazzilian bean that ressembles coffee bean but a bit stronger and totally legal everywhere in the world) and they thought it was HEROIN damnit!!! took us back the station interogated my friend for ages.... (he was driving) blood tested him, and piss tested him ... confiscated the 5 g's of mazzar and made us pay a fine of 500 euros..... GREAT Beggining to a snowboarding trip huh...
the best part is that the other 25 grams of different varieties I brought... were never found.. cause they got too excited about the first stash in the front of the car they didnt bother going though my suitcase.. so here i am, in snowy switzerland... smoking a fat spliff; trying to get over the whole thing....
Just thought id share my little story with u guys seen as i showed off all the varieties i was bringing along...
this is not a story about me.... but about the bud heheheheheh
He didn't win based on luck... His crop is immaculate and the production to plant ratio is killer. I actually just ordered a custom Wells Fargo Debit Card with a picture of one of Sure Shots plants... Not to further flatter you
Here is the photo I chose for my Wells Fargo card... I hope they approve it.
I love plant shots for contests or just for fun..hers a few of some young 10 day flower plants...Nice original clones from the mother used to make the original Bubble gum..clone only in only 7 peoples hands in the world lucky me..
Although this picture is not the biggest bud of my Girls but i just like the quality. Check out how I grew this and how a vertical gravity fed hydroponic system works in my Grow Journal