Best commercial LED/COB is ?

The best COB is one that is running the COBS the lowest amperage with many COBS.
Anywhere from .700 - 1400 is reasonable for efficiency. looking for around 900 PPFD in your grow space.
Optic runs the lights too high.
Light Brands: Pacific Light Concepts , Timber, Tasy COB Kits.
DIY is your best option. Talk to some folks around here and look at grows.
What do you grow with?
What do you grow with?
I DIY my own.
Currently building a Vero29 3000k fixture.
If you need any help id be glad to help you make the switch.
PM if you want.
If your not into DIY, any of the above companies are good.
Northern and PLC are my top choices. PLC because of the newer light bars.
COB Kits is a good choice as well.
Whats your budget and size of space?
@kayadude I use Timber Grow Lights and I have their CXB400R light. They will hand-build you one if you want.

By the way...Is Optic still around? I haven't heard a mention of them in almost a year. I was all geared up to buy one of their lights back then....but some weird ownership transition was happening at the time. I assumed the whole thing tanked.
My optic is coming up on 2 years old. Bright as heck with the old v29s
The irony is that you panned PLC, funny you weren't immediately attacked from the bigot as a NG or whatever the fuck they can't spell is thrown out....
I have an opinion that PLC currently has the best commercial fixture especilly since the light bars came out.
Northern is also another great choice.
Not panning anything, just opinion.
I DIY my own.
Currently building a Vero29 3000k fixture.
If you need any help id be glad to help you make the switch.
PM if you want.
If your not into DIY, any of the above companies are good.
Northern and PLC are my top choices. PLC because of the newer light bars.
COB Kits is a good choice as well.
Whats your budget and size of space?

That's cool! Thanks for offering assistance. Don't listen to that guy. I don't advertise anything. Just have an opinion just like you or anyone else. I recommend what I use from experience with them & great results. I use Amare & SunCloak.
Going to build some lights for supplementals around the garden though. I'm a firm believer in side-lighting.
That's cool! Thanks for offering assistance. Don't listen to that guy. I don't advertise anything. Just have an opinion just like you or anyone else. I recommend what I use from experience with them & great results. I use Amare & SunCloak.
Going to build some lights for supplementals around the garden though. I'm a firm believer in side-lighting.
I dont even use PLC... I Build my own. I just think GG is a great grower and who else to buy your lights from than a guy who you can see the results.
Many COB builders now, but GG got the results.
However a COB is a COB in afixture at a sex current.
All up to the OP to check out all them and decide for himself. Just offerince advice.
Sometimes this forum can be savage, but its my fav forum.
The proof we're all waiting for is that Churchhaze ever grew pot once.
All he does is haggle growers cuz he's mad we make or buy lights to grow.
@Hybridway , I have no issues with you being a satisfied amare customer who reps their stuff.

but you cant constantly be on here with the superlatives - it is "the best", " the most efficient" , etc etc because you have nothing at all to back up those (highly subjective) claims. iits very misleading to the less informed users.
@Hybridway , I have no issues with you being a satisfied amare customer who reps their stuff.

but you cant constantly be on here with the superlatives - it is "the best", " the most efficient" , etc etc because you have nothing at all to back up those (highly subjective) claims. iits very misleading to the less informed users.
The same goes for everyone giving advice on what to buy...
for sure. at a minimum most assembled fixtures dont even have proper photometric data so its really hard to be apples to apples, then getting into the specific real-world applications where PPF is meaningless relative to PPFD, uniformity of coverage, dept/focus of beam, etc etc. its not like we are comparing similar fixtures like a gavita vs an e-pap. seems that every manufacturer has a different approach to design and so its hard to compare fixtures side by side
@Hybridway , I have no issues with you being a satisfied amare customer who reps their stuff.

but you cant constantly be on here with the superlatives - it is "the best", " the most efficient" , etc etc because you have nothing at all to back up those (highly subjective) claims. iits very misleading to the less informed users.

Sure I can. I already backed that stuff up before you even came around. It was nightmarish how so many fooletos attacked Amare when I first bought one.
I've already listed everything that sets them apart from other cob lights that makes them the best choice for me. All facts & #'s BTW. After defending said product to a bunch of haters & Jelly-jellertons, I then proceeded to back my facts with some good ole fashioned results. You know, those important factors not many here seem to ever provide with the exception of a few.
And the few that do show a grow & post results are good dudes in my book, doing much more for this forum community then these guys who talk shit about everything someone likes but never grows with any light themselves.
So I'll say it again. Amare & SunCloak. Don't forget that one, are the best led grow lights for me. I've compared, listened to hypocritical owners. All that. And this is still my conclusion.