Best commercial LED/COB is ?

I think spectrum plays big personally.

Sun grown weed and HID is not nearly as beautiful looking as what I've gotten under my osrams with cobs and CLW lights using white red and blue. HID doesn't produce as dense buds as what I'm seeing as consistently as with these lights and TBH sun grown weed looks like dirt weed to me in the bag same as the majority of HID. So IDK but it for sure plays a part in quality I think. And I'm only speaking about quality by eye. HID and the sun doesn't have as oily buds for sure but I've got zero tests.

I think mimicking the sun exactly is asking for dirt most of hybridways grows

What osrams are you using?
so what youre saying is imaginary UV is the best kind of UV?
I don't get what you're saying?
The light that has UV is the one w/ the bulb. The SE-450.
Those sites selling Amares have clerical errors everywhere.
UVB is what Amare uses not A. With that said, UVB diodes aren't readily available as far as I know & UVA ones tend to blow out. Like Mars n so many others.
So, to answer your question, NO the Pro-9 does not have UV but does have IR.
I've never grown tree as quality as I get from my Amares.
I don't get what you're saying?
The light that has UV is the one w/ the bulb. The SE-450.
Those sites selling Amares have clerical errors everywhere.
UVB is what Amare uses not A. With that said, UVB diodes aren't readily available as far as I know & UVA ones tend to blow out. Like Mars n so many others.
So, to answer your question, NO the Pro-9 does not have UV but does have IR.
I've never grown tree as quality as I get from my Amares.

Did you ever end up taking par measurement for the light in your DP? If not do you plan to? And if not would you want me to send you a meter? I really am curious about the par output for that and the osram. Lmk
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I don't get what you're saying?
The light that has UV is the one w/ the bulb. The SE-450.
Those sites selling Amares have clerical errors everywhere.
UVB is what Amare uses not A. With that said, UVB diodes aren't readily available as far as I know & UVA ones tend to blow out. Like Mars n so many others.
So, to answer your question, NO the Pro-9 does not have UV but does have IR.
I've never grown tree as quality as I get from my Amares.
well you guys were talking about the PRO9 and you actually said:
Pretty sure there's UV diodes but not sure.

which was quickly followed with

It has UV. And amare prides more in the diode clusters then the cobs.

but to clarify, there are no UV diodes on that and no more IR than a 90 cri cob.

looks like a nice light but if you are going to promote them you should at least understand the product.
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well you guys were talking about the PRO9 and you actually said:

which was quickly followed with

but to clarify, there are no UV diodes on that and no more IR than a 90 cri cob.

looks like a nice light but if you are going to advertise for them you should at least understand the product.

I thought they may have made the exception for that one light but they did not. Adding uv diodes would cause eventual malfunctions using today's tech. That's why they added the bulb to the 450.
I don't advertise for Amare guy. I recommend what I believe to be the best to those interested and have all the info on all the lights. It's all buried in e-mails though so I do my best to answer questions correctly to assist those who are interested.
Does that bother you? If it makes you feel any better I could recommend you to anyone who's looking for the next best option being DIY.
I do totally agree that if a grower is looking to settle & use just plain cobs that DIY is the way to go over buying these overpriced pre-built cob units.
Actually I dont know from experience that you provide good service or components so it's not in my nature to recommend something or someone I'm not sure about. With that said, I'm sorry but I can't recommend you to others looking to settle for second best. Sorry bud!
You jump on every thread promoting your plain cobs & data-sheet stuff. All that hard work should be paying off, no? If not, maybe it's because you're not offering anything special that they can't buy anywhere else for less.
You said you've been here for only one day less then me. What was your Avitar or name? If you've been here that long then you should already know I've posted all the Amare info anyone could ever need already & backed up my opinions & facts with grows showing results.
You jump on every thread promoting your plain cobs & data-sheet stuff.
i really dont. take a look at all my posts i answer all kinds of questions for all kinds of people whether its something i sell or not. havent mentioned cobkits once in this thread, i just posted in another thread for someone who needed a j-box so i directed him to robin. my last post before that was helping a guy who was interested in binning on monos, we were discussing canopy penetration in another thread etc. thats the good thing about my site i guess, people know about it and what it has, i dont have to promote, it sells itself. certainly not here to sell anybody on cobs but rather support those who have already made that decision

maybe "advertising" in the post above was the wrong word, so ill edit it and revise my statement

if youre going to promote a technology you should at least be familiar with its specs so you dont spread misinformation. i cant help that amare doesnt have a website to clear these things up. seems like the entire company exists in a cloud of misinformation. if they are in fact better than other preassembled fixtures its up to them to provide the data to justify it, or risk getting lost in a sea of cheap chinese junk. not a dig, just an observation/advice.

I recommend what I believe to be the best to those interested and have all the info on all the lights. It's all buried in e-mails though so I do my best to answer questions correctly to assist those who are interested.
if you have all the info on the lights then you should post it instead of guessing and spreading that info

Does that bother you?
yes a little. if you have the info you should share it instead of making people guess. if you like the company as much as you claim you would try yo help them get good info out (ie specs not just endorsements)

You said you've been here for only one day less then me. What was your Avitar or name?
i was Bobby_g before i started cobkits, its no secret, i was directed to only have one username

If you've been here that long then you should already know I've posted all the Amare info anyone could ever need already & backed up my opinions & facts with grows showing results.
well if you cant find it and present it, how am i supposed to?

again they look like decent lights. anybody who popped into this thread would assume they have UV diodes and some other stuff which isnt exactly clear. just looking for good factual postings. Not sure why i care, i think i turning into greengenes or something
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Did you ever end up taking par measurement for the light in your DP? If not do you plan to? And if not would you want me to send you a meter? I really am curious about the par output for that and the osram. Lmk

The meter should arrive this week & I'll be doing a thread with it using all my Amares. You'll see it when it comes out.
Par is not always all you can judge a light by. If you have high par but a poor spectrum like most burples then that high par's not gonna help much with your grow.
But yeah, I'll be doing full PPFD mapping for all to see.
What fixture are you trying to compare?
Osrams are great diodes as are the Cree Xp-g2's & 3's.

i really dont. take a look at all my posts i answer all kinds of questions for all kinds of people whether its something i sell or not. havent mentioned cobkits once in this thread, i just posted in another thread for someone who needed a j-box so i directed him to robin. my last post before that was helping a guy who was interested in binning on monos, etc.

maybe advertising was the wrong word, so ill revise my statement

if youre going to promote a technology you should at least be familiar with its specs so you dont spread misinformation. i cant help that amare doesnt have a website to clear these things up. seems like the entire company exists in a cloud of misinformation. if they are in fact better than other preassembled fixtures its up to them to provide the data to justify it, or risk getting lost in a sea of cheap chinese junk

if you have all the info on the lights then you should post it instead of guessing and spreading that info

yes a little. if you have the info you should share it instead of making people guess. if you like the company as much as you claim you would try yo help them get good info out (ie specs not just endorsements)

i was Bobby_g before i started cobkits, its no secret, i was directed to only have one username

well if you cant find it and present it, how am i supposed to?

again they look like decent lights. anybody who popped into this thread would assume they have UV diodes and some other stuff which isnt exactly clear. just looking for good factual postings. i think i turning into greengenes or something
Yeah, GG got me thinking allot of people here use ghost accounts (if that's the right term) to haggle others n promote his garbage. He's one of the shadiest cob light distributors I know of. The only way to see results from his lights are to view HIS grow w/ them cuz barely anyone owns his lights here.

Oh, hi BobbyG! You're alright in my book!
Why? You think I provide bad info.? Yeah, w/o the web-site it's tough for others to know. That's why I do my best to provide accurate info. That's why I checked on the UV when you asked. I didn't wanna give bad info.
Amare will never get lost in the mix of cheap Chineese panels. Not with 100% happy customers & plants to spread the word. Plus they use all top components & bins. Victor has sent me pictures of the diode reels & cob packs to show they are all top-bin. I'll post them when I do the Amare thread coming up shortly. Hopefully that will put an end to all the misinformation going around by haters. Not that he needed to, just wanted to show me. When a light puts out the highest Ooooohmols n CRI out of the competition (that I can find) I doubt many think their not top-bin. How would they achieve such high #'s using low-end parts? They wouldn't. Plus they're backed with many journals/threads showing the results & growers sharing their positive experiences with the company.
I just wanna share with others my great experience with this company so that maybe others can too.
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no harm no foul man, was just trying to get clarity.

to be honest im not even 100% sure that the spectrum i found was for that particular model so theres a fair chance that my assumptions arent right either, which is why were discussing it
The meter should arrive this week & I'll be doing a thread with it using all my Amares. You'll see it when it comes out.
Par is not always all you can judge a light by. If you have high par but a poor spectrum like most burples then that high par's not gonna help much with your grow.
But yeah, I'll be doing full PPFD mapping for all to see.
What fixture are you trying to compare?
Osrams are great diodes as are the Cree Xp-g2's & 3's.

Yeah, GG got me thinking allot of people here use ghost accounts (if that's the right term) to haggle others n promote his garbage. He's one of the shadiest cob light distributors I know of. The only way to see results from his lights are to view HIS grow w/ them cuz barely anyone owns his lights here.

Oh, hi BobbyG! You're alright in my book!
Why? You think I provide bad info.? Yeah, w/o the web-site it's tough for others to know. That's why I do my best to provide accurate info. That's why I checked on the UV when you asked. I didn't wanna give bad info.
Amare will never get lost in the mix of cheap Chineese panels. Not with 100% happy customers & plants to spread the word. Plus they use all top components & bins. Victor has sent me pictures of the diode reels & cob packs to show they are all top-bin. I'll post them when I do the Amare thread coming up shortly. Hopefully that will put an end to all the misinformation going around by haters. Not that he needed to, just wanted to show me. When a light puts out the highest Ooooohmols n CRI out of the competition (that I can find) I doubt many think their not top-bin. How would they achieve such high #'s using low-end parts? They wouldn't. Plus they're backed with many journals/threads showing the results & growers sharing their positive experiences with the company.
I just wanna share with others my great experience with this company so that maybe others can too.

I'm comparing my light I made nothing special but if you have time time I would like to see the 4x4 and 5x5 measurements of you have the time. PAR may not be the best since spectrum does play a part, I'll be testin to see if 1200ppfd of 4000k 70CRI will produce better quality and quantity than the 1100ppfd 2700k 80cri.. Should be a fair test.. I don't think spectrum plays as big of part as most do.. But that's why we run tests. I'll be looking for the results.. From the par and final weight/quality tests.
Yeah, GG got me thinking allot of people here use ghost accounts (if that's the right term) to haggle others n promote his garbage. He's one of the shadiest cob light distributors I know of. The only way to see results from his lights are to view HIS grow w/ them cuz barely anyone owns his lights here.
i wasnt bagging on him i as just saying he was a stickler for just the facts (not a bad thing) at the expense of coming off wrong (like i kinda did here)
I'm at the age, if she still has teeth I'm! Although, there is something to be said for GummyHead!

Surrrrreeeee. I dated a chick working at a HD dealership who also is on the beautiful boobs website. Great face great tits no ass.
Very few hot Harley babes man. Unless you like 40something smokers that look like wrinkled hand bags. Don't post BS modeles on Harley's with a comeback.

Im closer to 50 than 40. I did have a life before i got old. Picking up women is not that hard. They like a good time to you know.

One of the perks of getting older is not giving a fk what others think.
Don't worry hybrid I can attest to his service and any good company is worth the referral in my book. Fast postage and rediculously devoted to indoor lighting.

As mentioned in the other thread hopefully the website comes out soon so there won't be any more misinformation. It's tough to quote specs without it. It is tough to believe specs coming from noobs like hybrid :roll:. Just fuckinwitcha boo. Lol. I think the par testing on the pro9 is going to be pretty impressive. I know the se-450 surprised me.