You jump on every thread promoting your plain cobs & data-sheet stuff.
i really dont. take a look at all my posts i answer all kinds of questions for all kinds of people whether its something i sell or not. havent mentioned cobkits once in this thread, i just posted in another thread for someone who needed a j-box so i directed him to robin. my last post before that was helping a guy who was interested in binning on monos, we were discussing canopy penetration in another thread etc. thats the good thing about my site i guess, people know about it and what it has, i dont have to promote, it sells itself. certainly not here to sell anybody on cobs but rather support those who have already made that decision
maybe "advertising" in the post above was the wrong word, so ill edit it and revise my statement
if youre going to
promote a technology you should at least be familiar with its specs so you dont spread misinformation. i cant help that amare doesnt have a website to clear these things up. seems like the entire company exists in a cloud of misinformation. if they are in fact better than other preassembled fixtures its up to them to provide the data to justify it, or risk getting lost in a sea of cheap chinese junk. not a dig, just an observation/advice.
I recommend what I believe to be the best to those interested and have all the info on all the lights. It's all buried in e-mails though so I do my best to answer questions correctly to assist those who are interested.
if you have all the info on the lights then you should post it instead of guessing and spreading that info
yes a little. if you have the info you should share it instead of making people guess. if you like the company as much as you claim you would try yo help them get good info out (ie specs not just endorsements)
You said you've been here for only one day less then me. What was your Avitar or name?
i was Bobby_g before i started cobkits, its no secret, i was directed to only have one username
If you've been here that long then you should already know I've posted all the Amare info anyone could ever need already & backed up my opinions & facts with grows showing results.
well if you cant find it and present it, how am i supposed to?
again they look like decent lights. anybody who popped into this thread would assume they have UV diodes and some other stuff which isnt exactly clear. just looking for good factual postings. Not sure why i care, i think i turning into greengenes or something