best day ever

Guitar guy

Active Member
Title is not misleading.

So yesterday was a pretty fucking awesome day for me. I graduated high school (fuck yeahh) and got a lot of money for graduating. Then I went to my favorite japanese steak house and had delicious food. Anyways, here's where it gets good. Originally I only had a pool party planned with no alcohol because my mom was feeling weird about letting all my friends drink. Got a call from one of my friends and he had a 24 pack so my mom said fuck it and let us drink.

So I started drinking and got pretty inebriated since I haven't drank since october. More people show up (girls :D) and we had a fire going and drinking games and shit. Basically everyone is drunk and having a good time. I rolled a joint for my friend because he doesn't drink and I wanted him to have a good time.

So im extremely drunk and I was kind of putting moves on a girl that was over. Apparently I grabbed a condom and said I was going to rail her or something. I don't remember this. But she cut herself on a plant I have so I got to play doctor on her ;). Apparently she really likes me and im hanging out with her next time she is in Florida.

Fast forward to around 2:30. My mom goes to bed and her friend is all upset so I went and chilled outside with her. Apparently she could tell I smoke weed and we spent like 30 minutes just talking about it and she said she was going to get me a pipe for my graduation present haha. Then out of nowhere she asked me if I wanted to smoke a bowl with her so of course I did. Stuff happened that I don't remember and then I ended up in my room smoking a bowl with my friend and then I went to sleep.

Woke up today, still drunk and maybe a little high. Found out my moms friend pissed on the floor (he was fucked up, I had to hold him up while he peed) so I had to clean that shit up which kind of sucked. But everybody was saying they had a better time at my house than they usually do when they party. But yeah my mom is at work so im gonna go buy a mflb and forget the rest of today