Best Dispensary in Colorado

Yeah Jay..
That Kong... To this day remains one of all time favorites.. I really wish I was aware of extracting oil back then..
Cannabicare's Kong hash-oil .... The potential...
Has anyone tried the Colorado Blue?
That strain when grown properly was also kill... Seemed as if the grower(s) had bad runs once in a while.

The 64 Store had some Colorado Blue just this weekend. I didn't pick any up though.
In the Springs,

The Treehouse
The 64 Store
All 3 of those shops suck. If you come to the Springs check out Natures Way intersection of Academy and Union. Theres a glass shop right next door to. Flame Meds Cool People. All 3 of the above mentioned will sell you wet weed, like it was just jarred up. Not worth it.
All 3 of those shops suck. If you come to the Springs check out Natures Way intersection of Academy and Union. Theres a glass shop right next door to. Flame Meds Cool People. All 3 of the above mentioned will sell you wet weed, like it was just jarred up. Not worth it.

Last week I tried some Alien #4 from Treehouse and it was superb. Cured, flavorful and smooth. Primo. Please be factual, the information you posted is false. :finger:
All 3 of those shops suck. If you come to the Springs check out Natures Way intersection of Academy and Union. Theres a glass shop right next door to. Flame Meds Cool People. All 3 of the above mentioned will sell you wet weed, like it was just jarred up. Not worth it.

I went to Natures way one time and never went back. That should say something. I do remember quite vividly that the guy that worked there was shoving every strain in my face and saying everything there is Bomb or Fire. I go to get meds for my ailments not just to get stoned.

I have yet to find a strain that will dull the pain of my migraines though.
What Tree House are you talking about purps?Because the one in the Springs, has the finest in-house grows in the city.Their growers; some of the best in the nation.You must have this place confused with some other” Tree” wanna-bees.
I'm thinking a certain somebody works at Nature's Way...Or the Glass Gallery next door.I'll admit, I've had a couple notable strains there; Master P & Wifi.However- IMO, once I discovered the Tree House, not one other place comes close to the quality, cleanliness, properly grown, cured, aroma packed flowers.The crew at the Tree House is the” bees knees” in this city...knowledge is ought to plug in and recharge..Maybe you are not using the proper house..I dunno
So who in the springs would you guys recommend to get concentrates from? I don't have a nail for my peice yet but when I do I was t to know where to go for the goods.