Best drug combo???


Well-Known Member
ou believe google and I'll believe the doctors I visit in person..OK? I'm done with it

u see the im done with it??? as i said troll alert............


Well-Known Member
"We cannot be certain that the increased risk we saw is due to cannabis use, but it is the most likely explanation,"
Nice try though


Well-Known Member
u win troll the treads yours i can not be arsed all i asked was the best drug combo and said yes weed has been linked to mental illness which it has.

troll on troll its all yours lol


Well-Known Member
Best drug combo > all of them at once
BTW you didn't say linked you said "caused"
Maybe think before you type stuff and it wouldn't get misunderstood


Well-Known Member
The thing i hear about the most are simply panic attacks and thats ususally brought on because the person already had lots of anxiety or had been worrying about something.
I dont know if this is the best combo but Valium and Mushrooms and Valium and Weed. One of the single most enjoyable would have to be Peyote.


Well-Known Member
If you abuse a drug > they will all have bad effects
I know around 10 people who have used MJ daily for over 30 years with no illnesses
Another 37 people who have smoked for over 10 years and they have no illness
Do you believe everyone who uses MJ WILL get mental illnesses?Ignorence
Think those pills and crack/cocaine wont give you mental illnesses?Ignorence

I don't even smoke weed! So the last bit doesn't apply to me since I'm just a caregiver.
I tend to side with Doctors that you see in person.
Everyone is different and If everyone gets mental illnesses from weed then there would be many more people with them.
Oh were to start? Firstly, anecdotal evidence is no substiture for double blind scientific studies. Anecdotal evidence is no substitute for scientific canvasing or poll taking. Here is an example. You say you know 10 people who haqve smoked pot daily for 30 years with no ill effects. What you don't know is if they may be harboring ill effects that you are unaware of, perhaps they are unaware of them as well. I posted that through the years I have encountered a coupld of dozen people who exhibited severe mental problems, but what neither of us know is if pot precipitated it, if pot caused it or they were going to grow sick anyway. You know 37 people who have used it for what did you say? 10 years? and no ill effects.

Fine, but I know plenty of people who have smoked cigarettes for 10 or 20 or 30 years and none of them have contracted cancer or heart problems orn lung issues - but I am quite certain you and I will agree that cigarette smoking is very very bad for you. This is the problem with anecdotal evidence.

The same holds true for your not trusting studies presented on the web but having superior trust in doctors you speak to. Now I really can't comprenend how you can ignore compilations of a study were those that conduct the study talk to hundreds of doctors that "they see in personn", for your relatively sparse "study".

Note that I said nothing about every person using pot becoming sick. Furthermore, depending upon what consitutes mental illness, I believe there are far fewer incidents of chronic mental illness as a result of pills or cocaine (depending of course on what the pill is), then there are with pot. there is a simple reason for this, most of the pills do not have the same sort of mental effect as pot does.

Again, no one said that "everyone gets mental illness from weed". I simply state that pot is not the harmless drug so many tout it as being.


Well-Known Member
The thing i hear about the most are simply panic attacks and thats ususally brought on because the person already had lots of anxiety or had been worrying about something.
I dont know if this is the best combo but Valium and Mushrooms and Valium and Weed. One of the single most enjoyable would have to be Peyote.

I find that a benzo combined with a true psychadelic is defeating the purpose of the psychadelic. It tends to cut the dynamic core out of the experience, putting a sort of fog between you and your emotions, denying you of the soaring, crisp, profound emotions instilled within you by the mushroom.


Well-Known Member
Peyote is the strong shit

What is strong? peyote has a scant percentage of mescaline in it and that mescaline is one of the weakest of all of the hallucinogens, being active in the 100's of milligrams. Pot on the other hand is active in rather small amounts - in the single digit milligram amounts I believe. So in reality, pot is far stronger than peyote.


Well-Known Member
i dont really no the strength of UK mushrooms compard to others, but we would boil 50 each into a cup of tea tasted fucking gross but the buzz was intense very intense, was yrs ago tho and a few use to freak out but luckily enough i always had a good trip.

i never done benzos on top tho but would agree it would dampen the mushroom buzz, maybe nice for the comedown tho?


Well-Known Member
i dont really no the strength of UK mushrooms compard to others, but we would boil 50 each into a cup of tea tasted fucking gross but the buzz was intense very intense, was yrs ago tho and a few use to freak out but luckily enough i always had a good trip.

i never done benzos on top tho but would agree it would dampen the mushroom buzz, maybe nice for the comedown tho?

I always held a 10 mg valium in reserve, many times for that very reason, if the comedown was at all sour, a valium would make it all better, then again, a bowl or two of some mellow herb did the trick as well. I never smoked much when doing hallucinogens mostly because I felt that it dampened the clarity of the trip.

That reminds me, there was another combination we enjoyed, and that was smoking DMT at the peak of a late "wave" of acid. It tended to let us examine that far off place that was either total confusion or placid serenity one could find at the top of a great mountain peak. to take enough acid to get us to that same place committed us to revisiting the place over and over during the first few hours of the experience and often we were not ready for that extended stay. We could, however, visit that place and be assured that we would not remain for more than about 10 minutes at a time.

We also found that nitrous oxide placed us at the top of a similar mountain.


Well-Known Member
Weed can definitely trigger psychosis. It's rare but it does happen. Weed is relatively benign but it is far from being totally safe.
MeO many great combos. I have to echo Canndo about butabibal and opioids. I wish I could try real barbs but it's a good thing they're not really available any more.
I find MDMA combines very well with a lot of drugs.


Well-Known Member
There is no strychnine in the LSD. The whole blotter could be made of it and it wouldn't be able to hurt you. Not to me tion how bitter it is. Apparently it makes MDMA look like its not tht bitter. It's an old myth that somehow still survives.


Well-Known Member
Boil the peyote > pull out the plant matter > stick it in fridge till its cool>Drink it...You'll change your mind
Its not strong without boiling it down; Thought that was obvious
Have you ever ingested peyote before? Sounds like you haven't if you don't know the proper way


Well-Known Member
Take some boiling hot water and run it a drop at a time through carefully measured pile of ground dark-roasted coffee beans.

Then, you drink it. . .straight.

If you're feeling particularly devilish, you might mix in some pure uncut sugar to enhance the flavor and high.