Best feeding program to you with ROOTS ORGANIC? HELP!!

Dr. Greenthum

Well-Known Member
Im making the switch over to Roots Organic Soil this year and I would like your guys input on what Fertilizer and Nutes work best with it... I have used fox farms lines in the past with FFOF..but really wanna give Roots a try.. AND I would like to stay 100% organic if i can...thanks for any information!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Don't they have their own nutrient line?
You can use any organic line you want.. GH makes one, Pura Vida has a two part OMRI listed fertilizer...
I have my outside tomatoes in this mix.
I am going to feed Nectar of the Gods because I got a full case of everything they make.. it is out of Oregon, too.. newish stuff.

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
Excellent nutes...

General Organics Bio Root - root stimulant
General Organics BioThrive Grow - veg nutes
General Organics CalMg+ - micronutes(calcium, magnesium, iron)
General Organics Diamond Black - promotes disease resistance
General Organics Bio Weed - foliage spray(used in veg & flower)
General Organics BioThrive Bloom - flower nutes
General Organics Bio Bud - promotes dense & large blooms(for increasing yield)

The best part about this line is it's super easy to work with, fairly priced & produces successfully. Also these nutes can be used for soil or hydroponic grows. Soil = top feed... hydro = res feed

I am currently using these products with wonderful results just keep an eye on the pH of your water. Some nutes in this line are very acidic while others are very alkaline.


Well-Known Member
Excellent nutes...

I am currently using these products with wonderful results just keep an eye on the pH of your water. Some nutes in this line are very acidic while others are very alkaline.
If you read the GH website, and more specifically the conversation under the GH Organics feeding chart, you see that they say NOT to adjust pH with this line of nutes.. Yes, even if it mixes up a 4pH..

Just check it out.

Adjusting pH is not necessary in organics...