best friend wants some homegrown, how can i ship it?

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
my best friend will be across the country when my grow is finished and i want to send him something like 3-5 grams. is it ok to ship it in a package, maybe in a peanut butter jar? whats the best service (USPS, UPS, FedEx etc.) thanks


Well-Known Member
I....err uh my friend shipped using usps just fine...put a half ounce in a jar of coffee and just used a made up return address of course...oh and he used gloves to put it in the box just in case...that was shipping to the same state....interstate probably has more security procedures but I honestly have no clue


Well-Known Member
Medicine bottle(s) sealed w/tape, bubble pac, regular mail, extra stamp. No insurance.
Smudged/fake return address, no identifying marks inside.
If you're worried about it, always a good idea to have recipient NOT OPEN it for a few hours after it comes and not take it with them when they first leave their property after fetching. This allows them to claim "set-up" should the cops be onto the weed.
Done this multiple X's w/o incident.