Best Game While Stoned!


Active Member
EVERYONE Buy an Xbox 360 get Xbox live buy Call of Duty 4 and smoke a cannon then play funniest game ever if not GTA or Madden


Well-Known Member
1. less than a gram of kush left
2. fuck COD4
3. xbox 360's are expensive
4. xbox live is a rip for richies



Well-Known Member
I love them brain buster that make u think like this game called "parking lot" the the word in scrambler or get as many from a mixed up word.. Defenitly tetris .. I be stuck on games and infact play alot better when in stoned


Active Member
Left for Dead
it freaks you out a little, and you can really feel the impending doom, but then you get to a safe house and you explode with relief and glee.its a nice balence.


Well-Known Member
Left for Dead
it freaks you out a little, and you can really feel the impending doom, but then you get to a safe house and you explode with relief and glee.its a nice balence.
this game is the shit, except when people run out in front of you without nealing or frag you.


Active Member
another fun one is narc. the gameplay sucks, but when you do a drug bust, you can chose to confiscate them, or you can shoot up in which case you wake up in an alley with your anus bleeding


Active Member
Rock Band 2.
I was stoned today and I played it on drums with my friend who was playing guitar.
I've never had so much fun playing a video game in my life.


Well-Known Member
Play apple apple.. You lie on the ground and get someone to pick you up by the stem


Active Member
pro evo soccer on the ps3 with a load o mates does it for me :)

oh and cod 4 but only on the pc as the console versions are for noob's