Best Games to Play while Stoned


Well-Known Member
I like to get super baked and get lost in Skyrim hahahaha! Sneak around and bow and arrow some mother fuckers in the face!


Well-Known Member
I used to play the fucking hell out of Diablo
...haven't played any games much in the last 6 years or more though. there ever going to be a Diablo 3?????????????

un named

Active Member
i seem to always like the realistic games Forza 3 modern warfare 2 (havn't played mw3) and gta 4 is always fun once in a while i havn't got much games at all so dont judge.


Active Member
Everytime I'm stoned I play this game called " where's my keys?" Its a blast.
My favorite game, makes me late to fucking everything!

All seriousness Modern Warfare 3 came and went, still playing black ops... :)

the newer need for speeds are pretty good when playing in a different realm as well... nice and easy!


Well-Known Member
I used to play the fucking hell out of Diablo
...haven't played any games much in the last 6 years or more though. there ever going to be a Diablo 3?????????????

They've been working on it for years but haven't announced a release date.....but it'll likely at year's end or early next year, barring an announcement by Blizzard to the contrary

edit: just did some googling, apparently early this year, but no announced release date yet