Best gorilla grow pesticides


Hey everyone, got a quick question for the experienced gorilla growers.
What is the best pesticide to use to keep my girls bug free, and how often should it be applied?
I've been an indoor grower for quite a few years and just recently relocated to a place where I can finally put a few girls outdoors.
Have a few going now and the lil fuckers are starting to nibble on them. Any and all help and advice will be greatly appreciated.
Thanx in advance.
Hey everyone, got a quick question for the experienced gorilla growers.
What is the best pesticide to use to keep my girls bug free, and how often should it be applied?
I've been an indoor grower for quite a few years and just recently relocated to a place where I can finally put a few girls outdoors.
Have a few going now and the lil fuckers are starting to nibble on them. Any and all help and advice will be greatly appreciated.
Thanx in advance.
Do you have frequent access to spray?
Want natural or want conventional?

For natural stuff, spinosad and BT are good to put on. Can use some neem as well. Will help with caterpillars and leaf chewing insects. Sap suckers like mites won't be as effected. Most of those don't last too long, under a week.

For many of the synthetics they are so specific to the type of pest and your region, that affects things. Some pesticides work better in some areas than others depending on what resistances the local bugs have. If your state has an ag school, check their website. Ucal Davis posts what worked last year on their site, helps farmers plan what to spray.

Pylon, Judo or shuttle-o for mites. Avid is popular but isn't as safe as pylon. All of those protect from mites for 3 weeks or so.

If you have frequent access can use something really gentle like green cleaner, but that stuff works best if applied often. Sprayed often you can stay mite free and doesn't affect quality as much as the goopy naturals (bt and spinosad)

Biggest enemy where I live is caterpillar and mite.
Thanks for the advice. I can get to them pretty much as often as needed to spray or do whatever I need to keep them healthy.
Probably the biggest problem I'm gonna have, is finding a local store that sells anything actually worth anything. Any suggestions as to what popular store may have the items you mentioned? There are no gardening stores anywhere near where I now live.