Best Grow Guide or Books


Well-Known Member
Looking for people's opinions:

I’m wondering if there is any general agreement on what is the best, most comprehensive grow guide (book) out there. I feel like I’ve read everything I can find though the search engines. More specifically, books that are geared to people on a budget (or at least NOT ones that only tell you about the best techniques that happen to require a fat wallet).



Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
Im honestly havent read any books but you can try talking to GardenKnowm because he has a book out for beginners and it has really high ratings and is a reasonable cost. I can give you a link to his site where he sales his dvd's and books. See More Buds - Grow Marijuana DVD


Well-Known Member
The Cannabis Grow Bible by Greg Green. Barnes and Nobles has them, Borders, and probably most any other book store. It really goes into detail and explains all the different stages of growth. pretty much everything you would want is in there.


Well-Known Member
Yup, gardening section. The one I went to had a ton of cannabis books to look at so your bound to find something.