I am looking for the best Grow Tent for 1-4 plants that will help reduce the amount of that awesome smell my plants should have when they are maturing. I have looked at the Diamond Shade, the Darkroom Street, and the Bud Box, etc., my question; which one will with the proper ventalation keep the smell to a minimum? I intend to have a fan at the bottom blowing in fresh air and a fan at the top blowing the air through a vent system up out through to the outside at the highest vent in my house which is at a level of a 4 story house. The only worry I have is when I have friends over, I dont want them smelling what I have stashed away growing. I know quite well the smell of bud and indoor growing; a buddy of mine had some plants in his closet without a grow tent and the smell was evident as soon as I knocked on his front door. Once the door was open, there was no denying what he had been up too.
Any help with the best grow tent out there would be greatly appreciated!

Any help with the best grow tent out there would be greatly appreciated!