best hallucinogen for a first timer?

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Much can be gained on YOUR thought process by your final statement.
My last statement is addressed to the Yote Adventure .... which is something you have not read.
Dear sir ... you might be a master of 'word play' to a novice, but please do not try to 'mind fuck'
as you will always get crushed. I need not even try !

You make grave errors ... I do not.


The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
My last statement is addressed to the Yote Adventure .... which is something you have not read.
Dear sir ... you might be a master of 'word play' to a novice, but please do not try to 'mind fuck'
as you will always get crushed. I need not even try !

You make grave errors ... I do not.

Haha. This will be fun. I'm busy ATM, but we will clash words shortly.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Brother, please lets NOT CLASH words and stay on the main topic ... lets help the OP out ... and stay civil.
I am performing an exorcism on a laptop .... and in my breaks just want to guide the
kid in the right direction.

I am not about ego's and I certainly do not want to bruise any.
And the Yote Adventure is very good ... you should spend your
time on that and at least have a glance.
Worth investment of your time.
Do not get into battles you can not possibly win.
I have learned to play the 'word game' when
you nursed at your mamas Tit ... really.
You need to study me a lot further ... and are not ready.
It would be futile.


The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Who are you trying to kid Puffer. :) The OP hasn't posted but once, the actual OP. What's up with you today buddy? :)

Have a Wycked day!

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
You are not supposed to suck .... you snort !
Then again ... I guess you could suck it through
your nose.

Perhaps I should eat a Valium ?
That would take the edge off ...
and I would get nicer.


Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Nahh ... You and ND have it down to an art form.
It's like watching a couple entangled in tango.
Entertaining and distracting at the same time
Certainly not too long to read.


The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Nahh ... You and ND have it down to an art form.
It's like watching a couple entangled in tango.
Entertaining and distracting at the same time
Certainly not too long to read.

But you're actually self-assured. ;) Ndanger accepts his fate. I'm looking for bigger game. :D

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Ndanger accepts his fate
Do you thing he would agree to this statement ?
Perhaps this is your perception of events ?

What is the objective of such game ?
Is this game about the journey or destination ?
What is the bounty ?
If I was to win I would share it with you anyways.

(Just thinking out-loud) , wait ... I didn't make any sounds ...

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Do you thing he would agree to this statement ?
Perhaps this is your perception of events ?

What is the objective of such game ?
Is this game about the journey or destination ?
What is the bounty ?
If I was to win I would share it with you anyways.

(Just thinking out-loud) , wait ... I didn't make any sounds ...
He doesn't need to. :) It's about the journey, which is simultaneously the destination.
I think I've found Puff: Here

Like others, I suggest whatever you may find of quality to start out with, slowly. If it's shrooms, then know what you're getting is legitimate. Aeons ago I knew not what to look for with various fungii, and got taken advantage of.

Syd isn't nearly as dangerous, but testing recommended.

You want what you're getting to actually be what you think it is.