Best high you have ever had?......doesn't matter what your on!


Active Member
Ha Ha that is true, i been watching and seeing where this will go, im waiting for all the RC takers out there to start bumping, my best experience to date was with 190mg of 2cd, hell i spewed 15mins after ingestion, couldnt hold it in, tripped like balls better than LSD 50 hit, and i grow musghrooms as well so psylociben is always fun. i waiting for the DOM and DOC and 2ct7 tasters!!!

and buy the way i doubt very highly you can trip balls for 20hrs plus of one hit of 5-meo-dmt...bull!


New Member
Anyone here do peyote? My friend got some and Im wondering...

I know someone who used to do that RC "2ce" and tryed to chop off a finger lolol


Active Member
Man really hard to choose one, evey psychedelic experience has had such value. First couple months smoking weed changed my life considerably. Still grateful for it today and everyday. Had a couple interesting times on acid but it always felt man made and too powerful. First mushroom trip really opened my eyes. I'd say the most insightful and meaningful though was when my best friend and I each dosed a foot of San Pedro cactus on the edge of a foresty cliff in the San bernadino mountains. Mescaline is absolutely incredible, I'm surprised I haven't seen more mesc experiences on this thread. Oh I recently lucid dreamed for the first time and that was the closest I've ever felt to breaking through the other side so to speak.


Active Member
Man really hard to choose one, evey psychedelic experience has had such value. First couple months smoking weed changed my life considerably. Still grateful for it today and everyday. Had a couple interesting times on acid but it always felt man made and too powerful. First mushroom trip really opened my eyes. I'd say the most insightful and meaningful though was when my best friend and I each dosed a foot of San Pedro cactus on the edge of a foresty cliff in the San bernadino mountains. Mescaline is absolutely incredible, I'm surprised I haven't seen more mesc experiences on this thread. Oh I recently lucid dreamed for the first time and that was the closest I've ever felt to breaking through the other side so to speak.
That i have yet to experience, my brother has phoned me twice recalling his experience when he has done this.......


Well-Known Member
Man really hard to choose one, evey psychedelic experience has had such value. First couple months smoking weed changed my life considerably. Still grateful for it today and everyday. Had a couple interesting times on acid but it always felt man made and too powerful. First mushroom trip really opened my eyes. I'd say the most insightful and meaningful though was when my best friend and I each dosed a foot of San Pedro cactus on the edge of a foresty cliff in the San bernadino mountains. Mescaline is absolutely incredible, I'm surprised I haven't seen more mesc experiences on this thread. Oh I recently lucid dreamed for the first time and that was the closest I've ever felt to breaking through the other side so to speak.
your looking for extreme mind altering trips it seems, i guess some seem great when I read about trips but whenever I break too far from my reality I start to freak out. DXM is pretty good but ive only got to a second platue trip plus alcohol and weed, I think thats the best I can handle specially cus I was drinkin and smokin.