Best HPS system


Well-Known Member
This is what I (in my opinion) have gathered to be the best HPS system. Going w/ digital ballest, 1000w Horilux HPS, and now all that is needed is the best hood/reflecter for the job. Any opinions? Thinking COOLTUBE, or 6" SUNSYS. Tell me if anything is better/best. Air intake will def be used to cool light.


Well-Known Member
btw it will be covering an aeroflo2 20-site 1'6" x 7' on a light mover. Aircooled light so it can be close to plants...any suggestions on the hood?


Well-Known Member
Have you considered a dual-spectrum like Sun System VII? 600 WT HPS and a 400 WT MH in the same reflector running off the same ballast (two connections/plugs) combined with an air-cooled reflector - next best thing to sunlight? Anyway - just a thought.


Well-Known Member
Ya I could do that, but I will be running a SoG opperation. So I think the MH will be useless since I don't want to grow any, I want to keep them short and bulk w/ buds. How does the MH affect this? Any?

Jordy Villain

Well-Known Member
sorry dude idk. I stole my entire lighting system from school on the last day. its 400 watt hps.. i just dont know the model or ne thing.


Well-Known Member
liquid lumens look into em trust me. im running 3 30site aeroflo2 and 5000watts of liquid lumens that i keep 7" above the tops works WONDERS.


Liquid lumens... I heard of those a few years back. I didn't even know they made them anymore. 85F is a great temperature to be controlled at from really hot light like a HPS.