Best indoor strains


Hey everyone, Im new to the forum and growing all together. I haven't planted yet just trying to get some background info before I dive into this thing and was hoping you guys could give me any tip suggestions anything that you wish you would've known when you first started out, Im basically starting from the bottom with very limited knowledge on the whole growing thing.

Also I have one main concern at the moment on which seeds/strains are better for indoor growing, something somewhat short in height and easier for a beginning to start out with but gives good buds. (also I have looked around the forum and used the search bar but still found nothing on what Im looking for)

Anything helps Please and Thanks

Peace everyone bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
You could try and autoflowering strain maybe a lowryder or something like it which when it matures after a few weeks will automatically start to flower.

Look for autoflowering strains.



Active Member
You could try and autoflowering strain maybe a lowryder or something like it which when it matures after a few weeks will automatically start to flower.

Look for autoflowering strains.

For autoflowering strains, do you not have to even do a 12/12 cycle? Or do they still need that but dont need that cycle to start


Well-Known Member
you can pretty much keep auto's on 24/0 thats why they are autoflowering.

I personally havent grown any but from what i have read when they are ready they will automatically go into flowering.

Most auto growers pretty much keep them on 18/6



you can pretty much keep auto's on 24/0 thats why they are autoflowering.

I personally havent grown any but from what i have read when they are ready they will automatically go into flowering.

Most auto growers pretty much keep them on 18/6


Alright so I read about auto flowering stains and it seems fairly simple does it require the same soil or medium(not sure what you call it) and all of the other stuff that the other strains get?Is the only difference between atuo's and other strains just that they don't need a special light cycle?


Well-Known Member
Alright so I read about auto flowering stains and it seems fairly simple does it require the same soil or medium(not sure what you call it) and all of the other stuff that the other strains get?Is the only difference between atuo's and other strains just that they don't need a special light cycle?
Thats right.

Same medium same nutes just a static lighting schedule.



Well-Known Member
got some autos aks going now man are they a nice grow. real hardy and they seem to explode in growth everyday. they show sex at around week 2ish if your good with it. they require all the same conditions except for a light cycle change and actually benefit from more light

Brick Top

New Member
Hey everyone, Im new to the forum and growing all together. I haven't planted yet just trying to get some background info before I dive into this thing and was hoping you guys could give me any tip suggestions anything that you wish you would've known when you first started out, Im basically starting from the bottom with very limited knowledge on the whole growing thing.

Also I have one main concern at the moment on which seeds/strains are better for indoor growing, something somewhat short in height and easier for a beginning to start out with but gives good buds. (also I have looked around the forum and used the search bar but still found nothing on what Im looking for)

Anything helps Please and Thanks

Peace everyone bongsmilie

If you want the best 'final results' and really like what you fire up, pick what you grow according to what you like and then deal with whatever needs to be dealt with to make it work for you.

If you are concerned about height research things like SCROG and supercropping and tying plants down and check out Uncle Ben's Topping Techniques thread and you can start your plants on a 12/12 light cycle and skip vegging to help keep them short.

Purchase quality genetics from a reputable breeder and purchase the kind of high or stone of combination you most prefer and do not worry about the rest. It can be made to work in all but the most extreme situations.

If you pick your strains by any other criteria you will be certain to not purchase genetics that will not be the very best too you according to your likes and dislikes and taste.

Another bit of advice is do not get caught up in the flavor of the month craze. That is another sure way to end up with genetics that will not suit you the very best. Also many are not all that good and only become a flavor of the month strain because someone who never smoked herb from professional genetics before grows them and is blown away and actually thinks they stumbled onto the Holy Grail when often it is mid-level genetics but still so much better than the commercial grade they used to smoke so they think it is the best of the best. They rave about it on sites like this and then dozens race to snag some seeds of the same strain and a snowball effect occurs and before long people falling over themselves to purchase genetics that are not as good as others that came out a decade or two decades or more earlier.

Think about what you really like. Research for it, find it, grow it, smoke it and ignore any strains that do not fit into a group that share the traits you like the very most in herb and you will be happy.


Well-Known Member
I would recommend you grow out some bagseeds first if you have some. If not, then I would go with a regular strain and not autos. The first time I grew, I went with autos and ended up with stunted plants due to mistakes. With regular strains, you can veg them to the size you want. Autos flower based on how old they are regardless of size. If you do go with autos, I would recommend a 20/4 light cycle.

If you are worried about height, look up topping, fim, low stress training in the advanced cultivation section.

If you grow with soil, make sure you invest in a pH meter.

Also make sure you have good ventilation along with fans that circulate the air in your growspace.