Best legal high?


Well-Known Member
Remembered another quirky way of haveing a very short trip last night...

you need a friend for this...

Squat infront of a tree with your back towards it... hyperventilate for a few seconds, blow out your breath and stand up against the tree, at this point your friend needs to push and hold in your chest or give you a bear hug...

You will faint for a few seconds, you will experience the trip as you wake up...


Well-Known Member
seems like another scam... sounds like this one thing i saw on the net. you listen to certain beta waves or something at different pitches and depending on the frequency and all that stuff it makes you feel like a certain drug. like you buy em. you can buy extacy acid drunk high dmt even. didnt try it though. i aint no sucka


Well-Known Member
I also wondered why blind people don't trip when they hear white noise...

... maybe they are just not telling...


Well-Known Member
lol, I only smoke pot these days....
For many years allready... but hey we are all young once.


Active Member
Whip it chargers... They are small canisters of nitrous oxide(laughing gas)
Its great.
Also you can huff duster... however that WILL make you retarded after a while.
My man says huffin the vapors that come off Dry Ice gets a person stupid also.


Active Member
ok all u need is a can of rubber cement and about 10 sharpys and a brown motherfuckin bag first ya open the cement n lids of sharpys n put that shit in the bag then huff n huff n huff like hell n kiss your brain cells bye bye .....if that dont work i also recomend the can of cool whip n turn it upside down but i like it upright to much ....


Active Member
poppy seeds
banana peels
licking toads
spinning around in a circle....

Bananadine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

don't smoke bananas.
if you thought you got high smoking a banana, you should really try smoking a big fat pole. that'll sure fuck you up. :hump:

ps-- Nutmeg really does have minor hallucinogenic characteristics. i weigh 120 lbs, and ate 2 tbsp's of it on a very boring day when i was 15. it's cool, but you will piss out your ass the day afterwards.

cheer up, though! so you can't smoke pot, big deal. you could always make like Just_visiting_this_planet and just imagine being high! the placebo effect IS proven, you just need to be in the right state of mind:mrgreen: