best Lighting options for a large room


Well-Known Member
I wanting to light up a 2000sf flower room and a 1000 sf veg room
Ill admit I've been hps biases for a while now and not really paying attention to the new lighting technology
But with passing of the new law its time to get my shit together

wandering if anyone has any experience with some of the other lights out there
led, plasma, induction, de hps


Well-Known Member
Anyone try lights by
I am using air cooled atm

and I was intriged by both there designs

just dont know if its hype I havent heard much first hand exp


Well-Known Member
Old rule of thumb is with a 1000w depending on reflector design
you get a primary growing area of 4x4 with a "secondary" area of 6x6

a lot of the huge commercial ops ive seen pics of mostly use this spaceing with there hoods being about 3to 5 feet apart

hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Gavita de is on top of my list I was thinking about 5' centers ill defiantly do some more research I got about a year to get ready which really doesn't seem like that much time

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Old rule of thumb is with a 1000w depending on reflector design
you get a primary growing area of 4x4 with a "secondary" area of 6x6

a lot of the huge commercial ops ive seen pics of mostly use this spaceing with there hoods being about 3to 5 feet apart

hope this helps
what is a secondary area?


Well-Known Member
Do some searching basically an area that you can still grow in but not optimal lighting

also search light physics to help you :)