Best Lightng Schedule?


Well-Known Member
I have just recently heard about the 12/1 schedule for vegging. which is 12 hours on, 5.5 hours off, 1 hour on, 5.5 hours off. How effective is this method?

I was going to go 18/6 but i might try out 12/1. just don't want my mothers to start flowering...

What other schedules are there for vegging and flowering?

what about the clone room?

P.s im trying to transplant from cfl to hps, should i go with 18/6 or try 12/1? or stick with 24/7 which i dont want


Active Member
18/6 is sufficient for vegging. 24/7 just wastes electricity. I have not heard of the 12/1 before. On that I have no opinion...yet :D


Well-Known Member
My buddy does this weird thing where he leaves 800 watts on all the time and 2 1000 watts on for like 12 hours in 2-3 hour patches.