Best low cost cloner?

Colo MMJ

Well-Known Member
I know our friend with the stoned dogs avatar from AZ uses that little $24.95 cloner which is pretty slick but it does 4 clones and the $26.95 version does 5. I think it needs an aquarium air pump for $7 to 11 more. I prefer doing more than 4 or 5.

I was looking at 36 site Clone King for about $79 delivered. It gets great reviews.

Power Grow for $55 delivered 21 slots.

Super Sprouter $63 delivered with 24 slots.

Thanks for any suggestions.
Dip n grow at 20% dilution. BEST solution I've ever used in about 5 yrs. I've tried 10 different gels and solutiins. 3 days after cutting, I have nubs. 8 days a nice root ball, not just a tap root, and up pot then.

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BTW, the dip n grow is 10.95, good for up to 1000 cuttings at 20%. Cheapest and most potent stuff I've ever used. Look at the ingredients and compare to your cloner gel/solution of your choice.
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I and a few other growers here use that king cloner, mine is the 36 site one you linked to and I'm happy with it. I had an old DIY cloner with 12 sites and couldn't be bothered building another for the price of these King cloners I bought it a little cheaper, have a look around, there are many sellers on e-bay for that model.
My first cloner was a coffee can with an air stone,pipe insulation for collars.Now I use five gallon bucket with a home made manifold ,nozzles and a small fountain pump.I still use pipe foam for collars they work good.Clones never take more than a week or two.
My first cloner was a coffee can with an air stone,pipe insulation for collars.Now I use five gallon bucket with a home made manifold ,nozzles and a small fountain pump.I still use pipe foam for collars they work good.Clones never take more than a week or two.

I know what pipe foam is and it wraps around pipes. Do they sell it in flat sheets? Trying to figure out how to cut a circle or square then a slit to the middle to slide the cuttings.

This guy used a pool noddle.
I've been using ez clone cloners for 5+ years. I second checking craigslist. I sold an extra 120 site for 100 on cl last month over here.

If you do diy make sure you get good sprayers not the cheapest ones available. The good ones make a super fine mist. The cheaper ones spray large rain drop sized drops that don't work as well in my experience.

I did diy first when I was strapped for cash. It worked. But after buying the ez cloner I'll never make another unless I have to.
I use the pipe foam that comes with water heaters that I install,they all come with 2 2' pieces.I cut them into little squares that fit inside the pipe foam ,I cut the foam about 1 2/2".The holes in the bucket lid are drilled to fit the foam.You can do more than one cutting per collar.A slit in the square holds the cutting.This has worked well for me and costs less than $20.
I use the pipe foam that comes with water heaters that I install,they all come with 2 2' pieces.I cut them into little squares that fit inside the pipe foam ,I cut the foam about 1 2/2".The holes in the bucket lid are drilled to fit the foam.You can do more than one cutting per collar.A slit in the square holds the cutting.This has worked well for me and costs less than $20.