Best marijuana tester in the market?


Well-Known Member
Hello, I want to do some experiments testing my buds' properties. I saw this app and tool which seem very interesting. Any experience or one you would recommend?

$800 for the basic setup, $100 parts that need to be replaced every 6 months, disposable one-use “inserts” @ $1.50 each?

If one has an immediate and well-defined need, and if this gear is THE specific solution to that need, I guess one must bite the bullet...for myself, that would be a lot of money for the sake of my curiosity, as I have no genuine use for whatever information it would give me. YMMV, obviously.

Found no reviews...the ‘reviews’ posted on the device website are essentially “reaction shots”, not actual evaluations, test cases or examples of actual use. They seem to be all commentary on the device’s marketing materials....

I AM curious as to what *exactly* you would gain by having it
I highly doubt your users will give a shit what the THC content is.
THIS. I am not AT ALL persuaded that THC contributes a whole lot beyond red eyes, dry mouth, the munchies, etc. Marinol users report NOT getting high and don’t really rate it a pleasant experience (link me if I’m wrong).

I was getting blissfully high long before anyone heard of THC, and I’m a real fan of landraces/old-fashioned weed & hash. I’ve been of the opinion since the 70s that the high, the use experience, is a full-spectrum phenomenon (yes, that *does* mean I’ve gotten high smoking stems (more than once)) - that it takes ALL the instruments, so to speak.

In all seriousness: when testing revealed that THC produced *OBSERVABLE PHYSICAL SIGNS OF EFFECT*, that was an answer to law enforcement prayers. Now, an officer could decide someone *looked* like they were using marijuana...and THC could be tested for in urine. I’m sure we all know where that went. For one thing, it quickly became universally acknowledged that “THC gets you high”, even though all they needed was a testable component that came along with getting high. That’s a far cry from *proving* that THC produces more than just the most obvious visible side effects...and AFAIK it *still* hasn’t been proved that THC is THE essential element to the experience of being cannabinized.

This doesn’t mean nothing *could* be gained by a testing device like this, but we still don’t know enough to even play with the numbers it would produce - or at least I don’t...but I’m here to learn
I am afraid I just do a smoke test, it either works or it doesn't. We have labs here in Canada I can send my product to for testing but honestly don't care enough. Sure I could get my thc content but I would have to give them weed and money to get back paper with numbers on it. Seems like a bad deal to me but than again I am not trying to sell nor do I care about bragging rights. To each their own.