Best misters for aeroponics


Well-Known Member
What a good mister thats doesn't clog that often. Right now i'm using the mister landscaper 360 degree misters and that dont seem like the best. Maybe something that actually makes a mist


Well-Known Member
thats easy...EZ cloner 360 spray heads...use ONLY these they are most reliable...beware the blue ones with red caps..gah-bage


Well-Known Member
just ordered 10 ez clone 360 misters. I'll keep ya posted on the difference between them and the mister landscaper 360


Well-Known Member
you will be really happy, to be perfectly honest with you will get the best results if you attatch a filter between the pump and spray lines, my set up been going strong for 6 weeks and i had to clean the filter onces last week, all spray heads are giving a fine mist, personally i had to take this extra measure cus im using a tube system and i cant get to th back of the setup to change out heads if need be


Well-Known Member
what kind of filter to you recomened? I have 1/4 poly tubing with 4 mister landscape right now and a 400gph pump. I was thinking about pvc instead of the poly tubing. The poly tubing gest to soft and sags when the res get above 70.