tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'd rather just goto the pub and talk to people in person, because there's no content to the games worth playing other than the poeple you talk to. But i have to give it to the companies, they fooled people somehow.


Well-Known Member
For me it will always be Everquest, the game that popularized MMORPG's. Yeah it's old and the graphics aren't as pretty as newer games, but the gameplay, the community, everything was great. I haven't found another online RPG that compares, WoW is (IMO) a very dumbed down, care-bear game in comparison. I've played other RPGs but none I liked as much as EQ.

Of course, most of us remember our first fuck very fondly too...


Active Member
Eve online is the best game ever. I run my own alliance with a corporation dedicated to people who like playing internet spaceships while intoxicated. Stoned spaceship pilots anonymous part of the Swollen Starfish Alliance :)


Well-Known Member
Eve online is the best game ever. I run my own alliance with a corporation dedicated to people who like playing internet spaceships while intoxicated. Stoned spaceship pilots anonymous part of the Swollen Starfish Alliance :)
I was with Goonwaffe for a while, mainly because that's how I found out about EVE was through a topic on the Something Awful forums...

Now however I am in RAGE alliance, part of the Northern Coalition, and as you might have heard we're all but dead now due to such a poor level of activity by many corps in the Coalition... we had around 1000 ships from other Alliances, even the Goons, and people from regions quite far away... yet all the NC could put together to protect it's regions from the fookin' Ruskies was around a 100 man fleet.

Our FC then ordered us to stand down and told everyone thanks, go home... pissed off a bunch of people and so they reset every NC alliance to neutral, thus fucking any chance to get the DRF outta our space.

But that is fine with me, my specific corp always had at least 15-20 in NC fleets during CTA's... we have been offered space in Goonspace but not sure if we will take it or not... coming from a Goon, you never trust a Goon.



Well-Known Member
Lordwinter, you've posted that link on nearly very forum here. and it leads to nothing


Well-Known Member
I`m okay with computer games, but I have problems with these level up ones like WoW. Its like the capitalism of gaming! Get your ass kicked by someone who played 100`s of hours more than you and got weapons, skill is out the books!

A good example is I started FPS`s playing Counter Strike, then came COD and I was just as good with the shooting because I played Counter Strike before... However, if you play WoW half your life and cross over to Lineage or something similar, your just going to get your ass kicked by someone who has played more. That very fact means you have to stick with your character. Your reeled in like a FISH :D Paying mothly too, thats kinda wrong lol