Best Nutes or Foliar Spray for baby clones?


so i've cloned a few strains for myself and now need to know how to feed them? they are about 5 days old, with tiny baby roots. however the leaves are starting to get a bit yellow so i know it's probably time for food, but i what? and how much? i heard magic green is good. but after doing some research it looks like they get burned. any help would be appreciated! thanks guys for the support.


Well-Known Member
Some plain old Schultz or Miracle-Gro at 1/8th strength in some chlorine/chloramine free PH'd water. Some yellowing of the first set of leaves or two is normal though. At least in my experience. I clone straight into soil using Schultz Take Root. If you want to go organic, BMO (Blue Mountain Organics) makes a foliar spray called "Foliar Harmony" that works great too. I never use a humidity dome on my clones either. I just mist them 2 or 3 times a day real good. I've tried a humidity dome and the made the clones look like shit. Droopy leaves, and even full blown necrosis. Maybe I was doing something wrong... I just leave them out in the open in a dimly lit area for about 4 days then put them under a couple 2000 lumen T5's until I see good growth. Then I transplant from their 1/4 gallon pots to 1.5 gallon pots and let them go full veg in the closet.