best nutes?


Active Member
im sure there are alot of opinions about this subject but im gonna ask anyways. what are the best nutes 4 soil & at what % 4 all stages?


Well-Known Member
Look into Fox Farm.

I have used Flora 3 part
Flora Nova
Actually there complete line. I like the results but the nova series is tough to mix.

Budswell flower and tea is good too.

Fox Farm is the simplest and most forgiving nuts out there. IMO


Active Member
im currently using gh flora series nutes with diamond nectar and koolbloom in soil. it's looking good except for it appears to b deficient in either nitrogen or phosphorous im kinda new at this so its hard 4 me 2 tell. the leaves are going from dark 2 light green with purple tips 2 yellow with purple tips 2 yellow & dead. do u use flora series in soil if so what strength do u mix at? i feed them at 50% on everything. any help would be appreciated.


Active Member
by the way. im 1 month into flowering & the bud is 100% indica. i know a certain amount of leaves are going die & fall off but it appears to b happening 2 quick. thnxs.