Best Nutrients for Quality at Any Price

If you want the best quality then you need to be looking at things other than nutrients.

You are not going to find the best quality in a specific brand of nutrients.

There are much more important factors than nutrients. If that's your path then you'll never find the best quality.

A good grower can use any nutrients.

Becoming a good grower will give you the best quality. No brand of nutrients will replace knowledge.

Many think success can be found in a bottle. It can't. The forums are full of people spending exorbitant amounts on nutrients only to end in failure.
Agreed. Sadly there's no magical bottle.
Now I remember why I never use this forum

They're not wrong environment and knowledge of the grower are the two most Important things for quality, lighting/co2 most important for yield, and sulphur and micronutrients seem to be the base of most terps from my experience. Nutrient lines dont mean shit, you can buy calcium nitrate, mkp, epsom, etc and mix all your own shit for significantly less, anyone that tells you that their product will give you 50% more yield/terps/whatever is just preying on your ignorance or stuffing pgr's in their shit. The reason your plants have different noses and terp profiles under different lines is that the balance between the nutrients responsible for metabolite production for your cultivar is different. who's to say that either is really ideal either, it would be hard without tissue and sap tests to know how your plant is actually uptaking and moving nutrients around the plant to know if there's a slight defecit of say molybdenum or manganese, or that your manganese was in the right ratio to your iron etc.

Tldr nutrients largely don't matter unless you're way out of balance already, maybe try upping a little sulphur and see what it does. But more importantly dial in your room to proper vpd and CO2 levels and par levels before worrying too much about specific nutrient needs unless your plant is actively showing deficiency.
Grower, genetics, lights , nutes

That’s what grows the absolute best quality in that order.
What he said. Nutrients are important but last on that list. Sourcing and processing is all that matters with the nutrients.

I believe the biggest problem people are having with Athena, Jacks, etc. is over fertilizing. Everyone that uses Athena tries to mimic the Jungle Boys program.. "Trust the program"! But I would never let the EC in my root zone reach 5.0. that is ridiculous. Over fertilizing is a sure way to destroy the quality of your bud.
Advanced is awesome if you like to role play potions class at Hogwarts.

I'm good for 3 maybe 4 components (aka basic 3 part systems) but more than that, I'm out. I mean I like a little mad-chemistry and the pageantry of it for ritual sake, but beyond that, it's stupid.

When I see people adding HUGEBUDZ+BUDZKANDY+BUDZBLASTOFF+BLUUMFATTY+RASTAFLOWER+TERPSUPTHEASS and whatever else It's just so pointless. I wonder how many people poison their plants by layering on stuff that has the same component ingredients.
Now I remember why I never use this forum
I understand and I'm new here. It looks like a bunch or people that can't really afford to grow so they find the cheapest way, that's fine too. However, the corny part of it all is that they will bash or be extra sarcastic when a person has a real question that doesn't pertain to their style of growing. My thing is if you can't offer assistance, then please stfu.
I understand and I'm new here. It looks like a bunch or people that can't really afford to grow so they find the cheapest way, that's fine too. However, the corny part of it all is that they will bash or be extra sarcastic when a person has a real question that doesn't pertain to their style of growing. My thing is if you can't offer assistance, then please stfu.
Since when do you have to be rich to afford to grow a plant?

You sound like another person who got hooked by cartoon bottles and have to defend your side.

BTW I don't see you offering assistance.
I've only ever used GH 3 part, for decades..... Anytime I think about switching, I ask myself. Why change something that's not broke?

I also find that in this forum, when you start promoting your own personal viewpoint and how you think things should be grown, you will get dog piled and stomped on.

Just a little advice.
Since when do you have to be rich to afford to grow a plant?

You sound like another person who got hooked by cartoon bottles and have to defend your side.

BTW I don't see you offering assistance.
Here you are again dick riding. Grow a pair and offer. If you don't have any assistance for a person that actually needs answers then stfu. Other than that, try to continue being a goofy on another forum.....since we're talking about cartoons lol. It's always the weirdos that make good things like this forum weak as shit.
I've only ever used GH 3 part, for decades..... Anytime I think about switching, I ask myself. Why change something that's not broke?

I also find that in this forum, when you start promoting your own personal viewpoint and how you think things should be grown, you will get dog piled and stomped on.

Just a little advice.
Silica will help with pest and disease resistance
Epsom for a sulfur boost for more terps

I use a little tribus and fulvic/humic additive too

And gh trio; I had an issue with megacrop 2 part gunking things up, not sure why but I think I won't use that for dtw coco anymore, just in soil grows.
Here you are again dick riding. Grow a pair and offer. If you don't have any assistance for a person that actually needs answers then stfu. Other than that, try to continue being a goofy on another forum.....since we're talking about cartoons lol. It's always the weirdos that make good things like this forum weak as shit.
Post #4. I did offer advice with a link. Glad to see you actually read the thread.

I'll take your apology now.
Well. When it comes to nutrients, more expensive is not better in terms of results. For example, I use Jacks which is about as cheap as it gets. But I can easily afford to buy any nutrients. Why spend more if you don't have to?
Solely a preference of course
Now I remember why I never use this forum

This place is toxic. Just a bunch of old heads that refuse to accept anything other than their old ways even tho the game has long passed them by. Mention feeding at 3.0 EC with LED's and these guys will laugh you out of here like its never been done. Yet its what literally most reputable breeders and big time growers like GrandMasterlevel are doing these days.

If you want a truly knowledgable environment head over to the beanbasement. Its a forum ran by Capulator, the breeder of Mac 1. You have to start and finish a grow in real time to gain access to the forum but its definitely worth it.

BTW, I agree with you, nutrients do play a part in bringing out the terps in your flower. If price is no concern then Front Row AG is the way to go. I think it produces the most terps for salts. If price is of concern then Jacks is solid.

Im still looking for a good, drip friendly brand of beneficial microbes to add to my res. As of now, I hand water recharge every couple of weeks.
I understand and I'm new here. It looks like a bunch or people that can't really afford to grow so they find the cheapest way, that's fine too. However, the corny part of it all is that they will bash or be extra sarcastic when a person has a real question that doesn't pertain to their style of growing. My thing is if you can't offer assistance, then please stfu.