Best option for lowering Supersoils PH in 7gal pot?


Well-Known Member
Hi! My soil started out at 6.9PH and now a few weeks into veg it is 7.3-7.5. I am using the super soil recipe with a base of promix.

I was wanting to know what my best option would be to lower the PH of the soil? Should I just water it with a low PH solution every time? should I add organic matter to lower it? should I use the oh so dangerous elemental sulfur?

What seems weird to me is that when I water the plants, and PH the run-off it is VERY close to what it is going in. When I dig down 6" into the pot, take a sample mix it with distilled water and check the PH of that, it is always above 7 (7.3-7.5).

I know this is not too far out of the desired range, but since I only water my plants about once a week, I think it would be difficult to control it with watering right now. Right after a watering the PH is closer to 7, but as the week goes on it creeps up slowly each day. My plants look fine EXCEPT each plant has 1 leaf with clawing (Curling under). The affected leaves look healthy other than the clawing.

Also, last week I had a RH of 85%, but I have corrected that now by using a dehumidifier in the adjacent room (Not sure if this has any relevance, but figured i would add it anyway)11.jpg


Well-Known Member
it seems like its working with whatever the pH really is. I wouldn't touch it.If it bothers you, next time add more dolomite lime.


Well-Known Member
I added 1/3 a cup of dolomitic lime to my medium after it cooked so it would be higher than 5.5, and now im thinking i used too much lime cuz my PH is higher than I wanted. I am not 100% on this but I believe that with enough lime you will go above 7.0PH in your medium.

Either way, i have a shit ton of lime in my soil, so adding more would not be a good idea (I think).

Considering all this, what solution(s?) should i use to correct my my PH being over 7? I am pretty sure lime at this point would only raise my PH further.

Thanks for your response Mcfonz :)


Well-Known Member
At this point? do nothing if there's no ill affects. /If they show signs of pH issues lower the pH of the water you give to the plant. /If you want to fix the pH to reach a certain value - sit back, relax and light one instead. /


Well-Known Member
Well, the clawing is an early sign of the PH being high, and all my feed water is 5.5PH-5.8PH, except their first compst tea which was 6.3PH. I think that after using the AACT it raised the PH due to roots absorbing nutrients at such a fast rate, with lotsa leftover H molecules left in the soil. I may be way off, but either way I am ganna take your advice and burn one :) Hopefully it will ease my feeble mind!


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, and I also have calcium sulphate (Gypsum) but I have no idea how i would use it since its too late to mix it into the soil. Topdressing? mix with my water? The PH being out of range bothers me so much in veg, because if its off now, flowering will be an uphill battle. I would like to be able to amend it now to avoid flowering problems later.


Well-Known Member
Gypsum is a 7.5-8.2 very strong buffer. you don't want that right now. if your plants don't show pH issues in veg there's no reason they will show pH issues in flowering.


New Member
Dude I know whats going on! you have a promix base thats a soil-less medium. dont worry about phing your soil just ph the nutrient water solution at 6