Best overall breeder... Thoughts ?

He asked for breeders, not pollen chucking closet hacks.

If you're asking who the best of the best true breeders are nowadays? Chimera makes the list...DJ Short's son JD is starting to run with some of the old lines and try to get them back to their former glory, so worth a look...Tom Hill is another legend who is the haze expert...and of course Shanti's still cranking them out too last I checked.

In terms of pollen chuckers, Bodhi comes to mind certainly...BOG puts out reliable, consistent stock...CSG (Connoisseur Genetics) and specifically OJD does great work as well. None of these (nor 99% of the people who most folks consider "breeders") are actually breeders in the traditional sense of the word, meaning that they are making their selections from a very small pool comparatively speaking. The Chimeras, Tom Hills, and the like are selecting from literally hundreds or thousands of plants at a time, which requires a lot more space and expertise. That doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with the gear that the "pollen chuckers" are producing, but also keep in mind that without a doubt, the MAJORITY of "seed companies" and "breeders" selling seeds online are fly-by-night operations with weak genetic pools and poor business practices overall.
I would not say Chimera is a great his prices are nice but look what he had for years a bunch of clone onlys crossed to pollen he got from DJ. Working with hundreds of plants? Bullshit! Now he has some new shit but mostly clone onlys crossed to that mysterious Jack making him a pollen chuckers. But he ain't the worst by far.

For me I would say Mr. Nice and Serious Seeds are about the best breeders many other good ones but overall I'd pick them.
Best overall breeders and thoughts includes opinions on why the breeder is or isn't good no?
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wrong thread again... you must be an ethics guy....
there's a thread for that too... its called the good guy thread.. you'll be right at home there...:mrgreen:
wrong thread again... you must be an ethics guy....
there's a thread for that too... its called the good guy thread.. you'll be right at home there...:mrgreen:
Do you not read the titles of threads?

There's your pheno hunting.

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I would not say Chimera is a great his prices are nice but look what he had for years a bunch of clone onlys crossed to pollen he got from DJ. Working with hundreds of plants? Bullshit! Now he has some new shit but mostly clone onlys crossed to that mysterious Jack making him a pollen chuckers. But he ain't the worst by far.

For me I would say Mr. Nice and Serious Seeds are about the best breeders many other good ones but overall I'd pick them.

Chimera is one of the most respected cannabis genetic experts in the field. Not sure what you're talking about. He is every bit as highly regarded in this realm as Sam, Tom Hill, DJ, or Shanti.
You must be lost...?

Them strains by the genetics are way different. ...just look.
I made this chuck like 3-4 yrs ago...

What is you definition of stability lol...pick traits?sounds like breedeing?

You got me lost now....

This is what I was thinking here lol.

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I really enjoy reading folk's opinions on what makes a breeder great. Thank you! The framing of the question creates room for a great deal of discussion. Yet, at the same time, I feel that it also obscures some different ways of thinking about the issue...

I have a great deal of respect for the breeders who take the time to inbreed a line, selecting outstanding individuals from huge populations, and stabilizing outstanding traits that can improve our experience of this plant. I understand why some such as sativafied lament the rarity of such practices. Within the current legal framework, I can also understand why such large scale breeding projects are just not practical for many.

I have also appreciated the efforts of breeders who create polyhybrids, having really enjoyed finding outstanding individuals that I still keep.

It interests me that so many outstanding plants have come not from our hand, but from mama nature finding a way despite our best attempts (gorilla glue I am looking at you).

I prefer to think of this issue in a more holistic manner. As a community, we stand on the shoulders of giants who helped make modern hybrids even possible. We rely on technological shifts that make indoor growing possible. As a collective, we each contribute in our small ways our selections to the gene pools, weeding through millions of plants to find and preserve the ones that please us most. And, it is important to understand that we have a relationship to this plant which it contributes to as well.

I submit that this 'system' has been the best breeder, and that this is clearly seen in what I perceive as a golden age of cannabis...
I really enjoy reading folk's opinions on what makes a breeder great. Thank you! The framing of the question creates room for a great deal of discussion. Yet, at the same time, I feel that it also obscures some different ways of thinking about the issue...

I have a great deal of respect for the breeders who take the time to inbreed a line, selecting outstanding individuals from huge populations, and stabilizing outstanding traits that can improve our experience of this plant. I understand why some such as sativafied lament the rarity of such practices. Within the current legal framework, I can also understand why such large scale breeding projects are just not practical for many.

I have also appreciated the efforts of breeders who create polyhybrids, having really enjoyed finding outstanding individuals that I still keep.

It interests me that so many outstanding plants have come not from our hand, but from mama nature finding a way despite our best attempts (gorilla glue I am looking at you).

I prefer to think of this issue in a more holistic manner. As a community, we stand on the shoulders of giants who helped make modern hybrids even possible. We rely on technological shifts that make indoor growing possible. As a collective, we each contribute in our small ways our selections to the gene pools, weeding through millions of plants to find and preserve the ones that please us most. And, it is important to understand that we have a relationship to this plant which it contributes to as well.

I submit that this 'system' has been the best breeder, and that this is clearly seen in what I perceive as a golden age of cannabis...
Great post.

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I really enjoy reading folk's opinions on what makes a breeder great. Thank you! The framing of the question creates room for a great deal of discussion. Yet, at the same time, I feel that it also obscures some different ways of thinking about the issue...

I have a great deal of respect for the breeders who take the time to inbreed a line, selecting outstanding individuals from huge populations, and stabilizing outstanding traits that can improve our experience of this plant. I understand why some such as sativafied lament the rarity of such practices. Within the current legal framework, I can also understand why such large scale breeding projects are just not practical for many.

I have also appreciated the efforts of breeders who create polyhybrids, having really enjoyed finding outstanding individuals that I still keep.

It interests me that so many outstanding plants have come not from our hand, but from mama nature finding a way despite our best attempts (gorilla glue I am looking at you).

I prefer to think of this issue in a more holistic manner. As a community, we stand on the shoulders of giants who helped make modern hybrids even possible. We rely on technological shifts that make indoor growing possible. As a collective, we each contribute in our small ways our selections to the gene pools, weeding through millions of plants to find and preserve the ones that please us most. And, it is important to understand that we have a relationship to this plant which it contributes to as well.

I submit that this 'system' has been the best breeder, and that this is clearly seen in what I perceive as a golden age of cannabis...
Good stuff, I really enjoyed that contribution.
multiple test, from multiple people... continually show rd gth#1 tests over 30%
even scott says there is something wrong with the machine.....

Those Ghost Train reports were done with gas chromatography and aren't accurate. The results are combined acids and for all you know the THC is 25 with the rest added to it. I've smoked that shit and I'll be the first to agree that is in the top 5 buds of all time, but don't start throwing out lab results through hearsay. Once you do that, you've already told me everything you know about weed. It's no doubt some strong shit, but you the things you are saying are things only people who just graduated from Grasscity are saying. I wouldn't doubt that you have a current account over there.

This guy/girl read a few articles and decided he/she is an expert on this matter.
cool... watch out for your mutants...
i definitely proud to say i dont have any f2 or above in my vault....

Mutants are more prominent in F2 idiot! That is where your variety shows, along with the mutants. You even said your self they aren't stabilized strains. What the f#$@ you think F4's are? Stabilized strains without the mutants, if that breeder so chooses to breed out mutants! Holy shit, are you 20 years old? Because if you are, I'd excuse your ignorance; real breeders, or anyone that's got a few breeding grows under their belt knows what you say is garbage.

And by the way in order to make GTH, the Neville's Wreck was stabilzed to F3 and bred, NOT CHUCKED, for potency.
Those Ghost Train reports were done with gas chromatography and aren't accurate. The results are combined acids and for all you know the THC is 25 with the rest added to it. I've smoked that shit and I'll be the first to agree that is in the top 5 buds of all time, but don't start throwing out lab results through hearsay. Once you do that, you've already told me everything you know about weed. It's no doubt some strong shit, but you the things you are saying are things only people who just graduated from Grasscity are saying. I wouldn't doubt that you have a current account over there.

This guy/girl read a few articles and decided he/she is an expert on this matter.

Mutants are more prominent in F2 idiot! That is where your variety shows, along with the mutants. You even said your self they aren't stabilized strains. What the f#$@ you think F4's are? Stabilized strains without the mutants, if that breeder so chooses to breed out mutants! Holy shit, are you 20 years old? Because if you are, I'd excuse your ignorance; real breeders, or anyone that's got a few breeding grows under their belt knows what you say is garbage.

And by the way in order to make GTH, the Neville's Wreck was stabilzed to F3 and bred, NOT CHUCKED, for potency.

yawn... another know it all....
I would not say Chimera is a great his prices are nice but look what he had for years a bunch of clone onlys crossed to pollen he got from DJ. Working with hundreds of plants? Bullshit! Now he has some new shit but mostly clone onlys crossed to that mysterious Jack making him a pollen chuckers.

Did you read that thread on his Jack x Incense Haze? Some guy he knows named Puda was saying that one pheno was the closest it came to the Piff we used to smoke in NYC. I got super excited because those were some good times for us near the Hudson River. I saw his prices and thought they were great.

Then I read the entire thread only to see that NO ONE was getting that disappointed in that I decided against geatting that strain. I will say though, he was upfront about it and didn't throw out excuses.
in order to find/make nevilles wreck... it was chucked... pheno hunted... and they found a winner.... and so they kept it... and worked it.....
not that hard to understand....
They didn't "chuck" it was selectively bred, you are such a know it all it's kinda frustrating to even read your words. They took 1 really good clone only plant and bred it with their best male plant then worked the lines to stabilize back to the clone only...maybe you should read up before blabbering your mouth...
Great reply, especially considering you are the amateur coming in here throwing out information without a bit of experience to back it up. I'm not a know it all, I base knowledge on experience kid, not some High Times magazine aritcles.

And yes, most of those GTH labs results are done at SC Labs.
The more you know...

ok,, im amateur... continue the name calling... only kids do that...

i've seen a handful above 30% going thru ig from different breeders...
in order to find/make nevilles wreck... it was chucked... pheno hunted... and they found a winner.... and so they kept it... and worked it.....
not that hard to understand....

No shit, it's called breeding jack ass. Creating F1's and selling them is chucking. F3's are the result of breeding. What are you telling me I don't know? You're high school, and your replies to me and others show it. Go back to where you came from little girl.
They didn't "chuck" it was selectively bred, you are such a know it all it's kinda frustrating to even read your words. They took 1 really good clone only plant and bred it with their best male plant then worked the lines to stabilize back to the clone only...maybe you should read up before blabbering your mouth...

if you think about what i said... its' the same effin thing you just reworded... good one...

keep blabbering your mouth on how many white beans you have, hoping for another free pack... scammer...