Best place to get certified in metro detroit area?

Greenlite compassion centers. Dr Singh will do a full physical and patient history and work up as needed.

the one downside, this is in Oakland county, so go there and leave MEDLESS.......

Tell them that Timmahh told you to go in, and Dr Signh and his staff will help if they can.
Higher Learning in Detroit. 7607 Vernor is the address. 100$ certs and 75$ renewals. Very comfortable place to go. Great people there too.
think i could go in there with just my military ID and get a card?

As long as you really have a condition that warrants the use of MMJ, then certainly, they will take care of you. I have taken 3 other people there to get their cards after I got mine. Only one of them had medical records. The place is awesome. They do a great job of making you comfortable through the process. Here are some photos I took while in the office. Should give you an idea of what they believe in.

Most are photos of the posters in the lobby and also a photo of their bathroom. Their toilet seat has real cannabis leaves embedded into the silicone seat. Sooo cool.


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As long as you really have a condition that warrants the use of MMJ, then certainly, they will take care of you. I have taken 3 other people there to get their cards after I got mine. Only one of them had medical records. The place is awesome. They do a great job of making you comfortable through the process. Here are some photos I took while in the office. Should give you an idea of what they believe in.

Most are photos of the posters in the lobby and also a photo of their bathroom. Their toilet seat has real cannabis leaves embedded into the silicone seat. Sooo cool.

I never thought I'd be so impressed by a toilet seat! Very cool!
Thanks for the reply, I have pretty serious PTSD from being in iraq and I also have insomnia most night from ptsd, is this enough to get a card?

As long as you really have a condition that warrants the use of MMJ, then certainly, they will take care of you. I have taken 3 other people there to get their cards after I got mine. Only one of them had medical records. The place is awesome. They do a great job of making you comfortable through the process. Here are some photos I took while in the office. Should give you an idea of what they believe in.

Most are photos of the posters in the lobby and also a photo of their bathroom. Their toilet seat has real cannabis leaves embedded into the silicone seat. Sooo cool.
PTSD is not a covered malady just yet in the MMMP; but oddly enough the VA Doc can rec you for it.

There is a lot evidence that PTSD sufferers can find some relief with mm.
But the MMMP has not even held a hearing to talk about adding any more conditions just yet.

Seeing as everyone loves soldiers and everyone knows war is hell I would suspect it to be added if and when the program does expand.
Some things are easier to explain to the public than others; case in point:
Herion addicts and alcoholics benefit greatly in some cases from mm - but the public may not accept mm for them as they don't like them to start with.

But for now it sucks as you would need to lie just to get mm if you don't have any covered condition.
I would advise anyone suffering from PTSD to lie if you must to obtain a card - your sanity and health comes before any obligation to the crooked State.
PTSD is not a covered malady just yet in the MMMP; but oddly enough the VA Doc can rec you for it.

There is a lot evidence that PTSD sufferers can find some relief with mm.
But the MMMP has not even held a hearing to talk about adding any more conditions just yet.

Seeing as everyone loves soldiers and everyone knows war is hell I would suspect it to be added if and when the program does expand.
Some things are easier to explain to the public than others; case in point:
Herion addicts and alcoholics benefit greatly in some cases from mm - but the public may not accept mm for them as they don't like them to start with.

But for now it sucks as you would need to lie just to get mm if you don't have any covered condition.
I would advise anyone suffering from PTSD to lie if you must to obtain a card - your sanity and health comes before any obligation to the crooked State.

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to FatMarty again.

Thank you for replying Marty, this info helps a lot. I also have a lot of back pain and knee pain from deployment, I will use this as my reason to get certified even though I know for a fact that mmmp relieves my PTSD syndromes like no other drug... forget lithium! yuck - made me so nautious when taking it!

PTSD is not a covered malady just yet in the MMMP; but oddly enough the VA Doc can rec you for it.

There is a lot evidence that PTSD sufferers can find some relief with mm.
But the MMMP has not even held a hearing to talk about adding any more conditions just yet.

Seeing as everyone loves soldiers and everyone knows war is hell I would suspect it to be added if and when the program does expand.
Some things are easier to explain to the public than others; case in point:
Herion addicts and alcoholics benefit greatly in some cases from mm - but the public may not accept mm for them as they don't like them to start with.

But for now it sucks as you would need to lie just to get mm if you don't have any covered condition.
I would advise anyone suffering from PTSD to lie if you must to obtain a card - your sanity and health comes before any obligation to the crooked State.
I'm actually kind of on the fence about this now that I think about it... I have been growing for myself for a couple months now (nearing first harvest) and have told absolutely no one except my father (who is a cop) and he was telling me just keep it low key and I will never get caught. He went on to say 100% of the busts are attributed to either smell or the grower telling someone they shouldn't have which makes sense. so with that logic why not just continue growing without a card and avoid being put on some list?
I can certainly understand not wanting to make any lists.

We are nearing the end of this war; but still we have many battles to fight.
It's a very personal decision.

For me it was about not hiding anymore - until I realized I still have to hide.
So now I'm down to just doing the right thing and hoping Karma is kind.

You may as well wait for the legislature to finish on the bills and see how all that shakes out before deciding.
The law could change radically for all we know - look at Montana when they tried to adjust their law; they lost it.
Not that I expect that to happen in Michigan, just that it's impossible to approach this with common sense and expect to give yourself good counsel.

In my case my Dr. was aware of my marijuana use for a couple years before the law passed - I just out and told him why I didn't want the pain pills.
After the law passed and was enacted I waited until first Court case was done to see if Dr. got in trouble before asking my Dr. for a rec.
I was being careful because you just can't count on much from the government anymore.

The staff at my Drs. office and him laughed at me when I told them why I waited so long.
They took it for granted everything would be fine for me. Apparently I was their first mm patient, and they were anxiously awaiting my app!
I live in Oakland County man, I knew better than to trust them very far, and I was correct to worry.

So yeah - you may not want to ride this train - it's not for everyone.
I'm actually kind of on the fence about this now that I think about it... I have been growing for myself for a couple months now (nearing first harvest) and have told absolutely no one except my father (who is a cop) and he was telling me just keep it low key and I will never get caught. He went on to say 100% of the busts are attributed to either smell or the grower telling someone they shouldn't have which makes sense. so with that logic why not just continue growing without a card and avoid being put on some list?

very possible to do. BUT, atleast get your Dr. Rec. registering to the state is up to you. But be aware, as I'm sure your dad can tell you, not having the Dr Cert will certainly dis qualify you as "Medical Use" per the Act, but having the Drs Cert SHOULD at least put you in the Medical Pool. this Should allow you to use the Affirmative Defense for Medical Use in Court, even if that has not, and is not actually ocurring.
very possible to do. BUT, atleast get your Dr. Rec. registering to the state is up to you. But be aware, as I'm sure your dad can tell you, not having the Dr Cert will certainly dis qualify you as "Medical Use" per the Act, but having the Drs Cert SHOULD at least put you in the Medical Pool. this Should allow you to use the Affirmative Defense for Medical Use in Court, even if that has not, and is not actually ocurring.'ve flipped 360 degrees again? Just the other day you said that having a Dr cert, but no card, wasn't eligible for a medical defense..
well i took the plunge and got certified at higher learning today, for some reason I feel more paranoid now more than ever lol. now just to find a reputable grower willing to sell overages without charging an arm and a leg lol...

higher learning is not too shabby, they did ask for $200 initially and then I reminded them that on their website they advertised $75 which they agreed to. was kind of put off by that, really made it obvious they just care about the money there but they were friendly enough and very cheap. can't believe other people there were paying $200 for a eval, that is steep.