best place to order syringes?

Well-Known Member
i just wanted 1 syringe to start out with, to try my hand at growing shrooms and figured i could just take spore prints and continue off them. i chose because they send a free syringe with your first order. i think i paid like 12 bucks for a syringe. and got 2 for the price of one


Well-Known Member
I've grown pes hawaii, pf classic, golden teacher, treasure coast, ecudor, all from sporeworks, pf classic, and pes hawaii and gt were all very good, i mixed the treasure coast and ecudor strains in with others so cant say how good they are..

in my opinion sporeworks is the attitude of spores. excellent quality, tons more unique strains than most places, (like rust colored mutants) and have been consistant for at least two-three years
sporeworks includes MANY MANY more spores in their syringes than other sponsors such as freespores.

I only hear good things about them. You also get a free syringe (usually Penis Envy) with every order (if you say your a member of shroomery, however this is subject to debate? I think every1 gets a free syringe with their orders.)

My understanding was that the OP was looking for somewhere to buy ready made syringes full of spore solution. In most state you can go to any pharmacy and buy new syringes at the counter. Especially syringes of that size since no IV drug user would ever use something that big. You can always just buy them online if you don't feel comfortable face to face.

But yeah sporeworks it great. I wanted to try some new varieties and just picked up another 4 pack. I'm trying to build a nice print library with as much diversity as possible. Mentioned I was a shroomery member and they threw in a free syringe of PF Classic. Last time I ordered a pan cambo syringe and a "sporeworks choice" since it was only $10 when they pick the strain. Said I was a member of shroomery and I got 2. One was Huautla and the other was Treasure Coast. :)

I have some "albino" A+ which is definitely going to be the next strain I study.
my bad, Im not reading what the OP says LOL.

But yeah sporeworks, so far for me, has shown nothing but quality, syringes are LOADED with spores.

i just wanted 1 syringe to start out with, to try my hand at growing shrooms and figured i could just take spore prints and continue off them. i chose because they send a free syringe with your first order. i think i paid like 12 bucks for a syringe. and got 2 for the price of one
Freespores includes very very lttle spores in their syringes, sporeworks includes atleast 6x more spores per syringe. This IS NOT a problem if you are making an LC, however it may take longer to take off if doing a PF cake for example.

used the works.
One thing I dont like about sporeworks in their prices, one syringe (plus shipping ends up being $25, (although you really get 2 syringes)

TLDR (too long didnt read) <------ learn this acronym, its useful!!!!

sporworks= lots of spores, not so good prices
freespores=little bit of spores, good prices, guaranteed free syringe with every order.