Best pots for ebb and flow


Ive seen plenty of ppls journals use both smart regular and net pots and do well, smart pots would probably need a little less watering.

Is what im going to use because most net pots seemed way to flimsy for Flood and Drain table with hydroton or rocks.
Also they have normal hydrofarm heavy duty normal pots (look at weight vs other net pots for quality/durability)


Active Member
I use the largest pot that can fit the most roots. Peroid. Depends on how long ur veging and if ur filling tub with media ect.. really GL


Well-Known Member
i use 6" netpots ontop of 5gallon black buckets for more root room. as i see it hydro doesnt need any medium. i have used cloth pots inside the buckets that fill an they worked well but when filled with medium the roots would grow right out of the fabric by week 3 veg.