best ppm ???

i have 4 fresh cuttings that are just starting to root
5 rooted clones
and five seedlings (just sprouted)
what is a general ppm i should be aiming for in my reservoir


You can use clean water and Super Thrive or NUTRI BOOST along with some Grow Nutrients. I had a plant that was a month into Flowering and my cat dug the hell out of the roots and I couldn't save it. I cut off a branch and took like 12 clones, I used the whole branch not just the top three nodes, well 6 were tops and 6 were Y parts of the branch. (I felt like experimenting) They all had buds on then but When I tried some they tasted like Crap Ferts. I used rock wool, Schultz Rooting Powder, and one of those clone dome things. I heard the Rooting gel is good to but i still have a lot of powder and it works so ill use it till its gone. I mixed the ferts @ 1/4 or 400 ppm on my TDS with water and just soaked the cubes in it for ten minutes and PH the water to about 5.6 and let sit with an air pump. I than cut the clones at a V before I put in the rooting hormone. keep them @ 82 Degrees easy with CFL i just set a 3 way fixture 1/2 inch from the top of the dome with a small fan in case it got hot. With that I had a 100% success rate I've have since moved to a home Made DWC an than to a Home Made Aeroponics all within 4 weeks. the time is cause the buds needed to transform into leaves otherwise it would of been a 2 week process. Ill make a Super Cheap DIY later on . I attached the cloner pic and the aero pic Hope that answered your questions:weed:

Oh and don't pick off the leaves till the are almost dry the clone will feed on itself till roots form. My leaves look weird cause they were buds I don't have deficiencies.

