best psychedelic for first trip?

The person who had it ran out and also said they were diluted and less than a tabs worth. He also said he has some after effects going on. Regular day to day halucinations. And someone else is telling me about their friend who has that back crack trip thing which makes no sense since the body doesn't retain the LSD.

I might be able to get something still, I talked to somebody else who was already looking into getting Acid or Shrooms and has tripped on one or the other once before.
Back crack is a myth,if he's still tripping or getting 'residuals' 2 days later,it probably wasn't LSD,I wouldn't buy water from this person if I was on fire if I were you...
DMT all the way...been smoking it well over a decade and that shit keeps getting weirder...
I have an interest in lucid dreaming because I find it interesting how my mind can piece together everything I know and form a simulation of it with seemingly real physics. Figured it would be another way to experience the same trip.

I'd rather warp the reality around me than seem out of body, but I don't want to warp reality where I don't even know where I am and feel like I have no control. I'd like this to warp reality and/or induce deep introspection.

DMT is for another day. I don't think out of body is what I need right now.
If you like lucid dreams smoke some salvia.

Start woth actual leaf and build a tolerance then move to extracts.

Key is to move up slowly while building a tolerance. After a month or two you'll be abke to control your trip and lucid dream every time.
Very good thread guys......very well put on lsd guys no joke it can get outta control quick..... Not to say your in trouble once u take it it can be either a total world melter at times and the most beautiful moments you'll never forget..... To me it was always positive and enlightening....... Shroom on the other hand i cant speak on too much ....just few low doses of dry and couple drinks of extract... Not too rough at that...... Would like to try better mescaline than the time i cooked four feet of it ........gonna give that another try soon.....yes lsd gets to the point but a good first timer for sure..... Even the dark moments can be a healthy teacher
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I found 25i-nbome to be a great beginner psychedelic, great visuals but leaves you with a clear mind so it's easier to compose yourself. If you're looking for a full psychedelic experience I would go with LSD though just be careful with the environment you're in. Gave my friend his first proper LSD experience Friday night, he'd only taken it once before but they were some super mild 50ug tabs, just picked up one each from a mate that said these were the strongest he's ever had so I thought it would be perfect. Just as we were starting to peak he was having a hard time (they were the strongest single tabs I've ever had) so we carried some chairs out into the backyard to chill under the stars. After sitting there for about 2 minutes all of a sudden there's a police helicopter right above us just circling around and sirens all around us so all of a sudden things go from bad to we think we're going to be arrested or killed turns out there was just a car chase going on around my house. Luckily I was able to calm him down after a while and he said it was the most spiritual and amazing experiences of his life, you just have to plan for the unexpected
Solid advice rory, every thread i see you posting, its always informed information. Rather than just spouting like some people. Thanks for being you!
Solid advice rory, every thread i see you posting, its always informed information. Rather than just spouting like some people. Thanks for being you!
Btw,you have my original choice for my screen name when I joined riu years nickname on tour was pauly..everyone said my hair looks like Pauly walnuts from the sopranos,I've got white streaks through my hair above my ears..:-)
I trust my subconscious mind, but I want more control to steer the trip where I want it to go so I can hopefully find what it is I am looking for. Due to the ethics of studies I can't just find lab controlled studies and publications explaining how different the 2 substances are, I am mostly restricted to anecdotals such as you saying there is no control, or this outside thread with multiple people saying LSD is easier to control. All I said in the previous post was easier to control, but I never meant to say control was certain.

post 2 and 3 both imply Acid is easier to control
This post uses a pilot and passenger analogy between the two.

That same thread does described shrroms as more mental and LSD as more visual, which makes me lean towards Shrooms more in that regard.
my advice: you are thinking about this waaaaaay too much. it's like your designing this ideal experience in your head and looking for the drug that will produce that experience. just because one or two people said acid is easier to control, doesn't mean it's going to be easy to control for you. if you go into a psychedelic experience with all these expectations then you're going to be in for a rude awakening. all the trip reports in the world can't prepare you for the experiences these drugs want to stay in control? go smoke weed. you want to go on a trip? then listen to the advice that's been posted here, and trip. it seems the general consensus is to take a good dose of lsd and just hold on for the ride. make sure you're in a stable environment with a sober sitter whom you trust, preferably someone with psychedelic experience. make sure you have plenty of weed and good music. when things get a little too crazy, which will happen if you take enough, just put some headphones in with some relaxing music and LET GO. just let yourself be consumed by the trip. don't fight it, you will lose! just let the trip take it's course brother...

Deems for sure =) Always a pleasure watching someone come to with a bewildered, fascinated look in their eyes. Have given it to several people who have never had a psychedelic experience and they thank me to this day for the introduction. cheers!