Best quick dry method? / Anyone use a clothes dryer?


Well-Known Member
Firstly I know quick drying sucks, so please don't give me the just wait crap. I'm only trying to dry a few grams worth at most to sample :joint:

So, what are you thoughts? microwave? oven? those are the two methods I see people use most often. What about a clothes dryer on low heat?

What's worked for you with the least amount of potency loss and getting rid of the chlorophyll taste as much as possible.

Thanks in advance RIU! :peace:


Used a microwave to quick dry a few small buds a buddy had, used the defrost setting. But if your growing it I would suggest drying at a normal speed so it will taste/smoke good.


Well-Known Member
what i do with popcorn buds i pull off my plants when im out is..take the buds...wrap them in aluminum foil and put them on a heating makes smaller buds smokeable in a matter of hours...putting them in the microwave isnt pops the trichs...and the clothes dryer would dry it out too much and knock most of the trichs off


Well-Known Member
Using a microwave is fine, but most people just put it on high and let it rip. Use a 40% power setting and wrap the bud in a paper towel and hit it for 30 seconds at a time. It might take 3 or 4 zaps. Check it every time and let it cool off. You don't want to vaporize it in there!


Well-Known Member
Thanks all for the advise. I opted to go the oven route and give the dryer a shot. Oven dry tastes like shit as usual but gets the job done. I wrapped a few small buds in a coffee filter and then put some cheese cloth around it just to hold it inside, put the dryer on delicate heat, after 30 minutes it's not done yet but does not have near as bad of a chlorophyll smell the oven dried buds have so hopefully it'll taste a little better.


Active Member
dont put it in the dryer itll beat it to shake. and lose many many chrystals if it dosent


Well-Known Member
dont put it in the dryer itll beat it to shake. and lose many many chrystals if it dosent
Actually it worked well, best method I've tried. I wrapped it pretty well in cheese cloth and it stayed nicely on one of the fins of the dryer (didn't get beat to hell).


Well-Known Member
everyone's taste is different, but for quick drying I go with the microwave. It's a bit harsh, but if you don't get it too dry the flavor is better than I would expect. Also you can microwave a bowl/doob at a time since it's quite speedy, so it's great for allowing everything else the maximum amount of dry/cure time before you put a flame to it :) I always end up microwaving a bowl each harvest just because after smelling and cutting it for a while I can't help myself; I have to taste it.