Best Smoking Devices

Bongs and bowls are for girlfriends. We roll up using king size in these parts. That or quarter gram dabs.
Do you find that you use more vaping? I have a pax3 that i liked but it seemed to take more product to achieve the same effect. Plus I tried smoking (bong hits) of the remaining vaped weed and i got pretty high which says the vape may not be extracting all the thc like smoking. Now that i am growing I will have to try the pax again.
Less. And if you want you can use the ABV bud for edibles.
btw just joking about bongs and bowls being for girls I use a damn puffco peak for my dabs that's as girly as it gets.
Oregon and Washington have lost their shit too, :wall:. They ruined Seattle too (my hometown), :finger:

Dude that sucks. They need to build a free place where they can all go and congregate instead of the streets of socially functional people. Just supply them with unlimited fentanyl and shit and let them OD in dopeville.
Homelessness / drug addiction has skyrocketed everywhere. My little town has a tent city and the downtown area has been taken over. The criminal section in the newspaper is nothing but meth / fentanyl arrests. I don't really think laws or shifting these people around is going to fix the problem. Something soul crushing is happening on a large scale. I feel like it's the same reason we're having all of these mass shootings. I can't really identify the cause to offer a solution though.

I recommend a pipe. Get your feet wet before graduating to bongs and such. Vaporizing herb is gay unless your lungs are shot.
Homelessness / drug addiction has skyrocketed everywhere. My little town has a tent city and the downtown area has been taken over. The criminal section in the newspaper is nothing but meth / fentanyl arrests. I don't really think laws or shifting these people around is going to fix the problem. Something soul crushing is happening on a large scale. I feel like it's the same reason we're having all of these mass shootings. I can't really identify the cause to offer a solution though.

I recommend a pipe. Get your feet wet before graduating to bongs and such. Vaporizing herb is gay unless your lungs are shot.
The man is holdin' us down
Homelessness / drug addiction has skyrocketed everywhere. My little town has a tent city and the downtown area has been taken over. The criminal section in the newspaper is nothing but meth / fentanyl arrests. I don't really think laws or shifting these people around is going to fix the problem. Something soul crushing is happening on a large scale. I feel like it's the same reason we're having all of these mass shootings. I can't really identify the cause to offer a solution though.

I recommend a pipe. Get your feet wet before graduating to bongs and such. Vaporizing herb is gay unless your lungs are shot.
What ever happened to tough love?

I vape and I'm not gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.