Best soil I can find at a local store


New Member
have you got a lowes there ? or a gardening shop im pretty sure lowes stocks good quality soil . they seem to have every other thing you need to grow pot


Well-Known Member
"Best soil" is very subjective. If you are new to the growing game, look for soils that do not say "Feeds for XX months". That way if you over water you don't end up with crispy plants.


Well-Known Member
If you live in the US, I would order some fox farm ocean forest and some fox farm light warrior soil (I would create a mix of the two, as light warrior is better for seedlings (as it won't burn the seedlings with too much nutrients), whereas ocean forest should supply some (probably not an adequate total amount though) nutrients to the plant throughout the vegetative and flowering stages of growth.
The two should provide an adequate npk balance if you mix your soil just right (maybe with some extra guano or coco coir, etc).