Best song to listin to high


Well-Known Member
ANY music is good when high. Once I'm baked, just about any song sounds good. I like songs that are intense. Like...I can get high, put 'em on, and go so into the song I forget everything else. It's an intense experience and I love it.


Well-Known Member
Definately anything from Pink Floyd....Maybe its just because I grew up with "Money" and "The Wall" and the theater shows that followed. It's just damn hard to beat anything from that era.


Active Member
one of these nights - the eagles
she's a rainbow - the rolling stones
god am - alice in chains

im listing to bone thugs buddha lovaz right now


Well-Known Member
Paranoid Android - RH
My Name is Trouble - NOY
Buried in your Backyard - NOY
From Yesterday - 30STM
The Kill - 30STM

Those 5 songs have been the successors on every Chill CD I made.


Well-Known Member
No one can sayt hey havent got blazed and listen to "Beacuse I Got High" By know you have...its like the apitimy of high songs, cause its all true. lol.

Bumpin: The Recession- Young Jeezy


Well-Known Member
The best song to listen to depends on what generation your from.
I was born in the late sixties so what I think is good stoner music maybe alot different to what you or anyone else thinks.

When I'm stoned I like to listen to Smooth Jazz like Walter Beasley.
Sometimes I like to listen to country like Alan Jackson.
Once in awhile I'll listen to some Techno like The Chemical Brothers.

It all depends on what kind of mood I'm in. I'm versatile when it comes to weed and music.


Well-Known Member
just new age guitar shredding. for me, im in to shit like red hot chilli peppers, Radiohead, select songs by sublime, like 2 songs by killswitch(my curse and some other shit) when im high.


Well-Known Member
No one can sayt hey havent got blazed and listen to "Beacuse I Got High" By Afroman...
hahaha I've done that lol. kinda funny.

another good song is Point Counter Point-Streetlight Manifesto. I did that once and I started skanking down my hallway with my friend. it was so much fun....


Well-Known Member
Cocaine- Hendrix, Where is my mind? -Pixies, Santeria -Sublime I can keep going . . .
Hendrix, Pixies and Sublime are musts for high music.

Hendrix's structurelessly long songs are straight up soul, and a must.

The Pixie's have a great sense of surrealism expressed in their music.

And Sublime is stoned when they play all their music.


Well-Known Member
pink floyd + the reggae cover of dark side of the moon by easy star all stars
slightly stoopid
the expendables
aphex twins
eek a mouse

i am a die hard reggae fan, but you can't beat any fat hxc trance techno, d+b, electronica or jungle when you are off your tits.