Best State Regulations


Active Member
How many people would actually grow their own if legalized and there was a reasonable fee to register to grow? Last thing I tried to start was $100 for dba and $100 for a business permit Oh yeh $100 for a gun permit to conceal carry. So how much would be reasonable to encourage MJ as a taxable crop? Since every state is looking for a NEW TAX source (tax evasion and seizure crossing state lines). So which state has worked best to date? President Obama wants to create jobs and taxes how much TAX to get legal? Politicians need a NEW IDEA can enough MJ people give them an idea? I have nothing to lose as I grow tomatoes but I would grow just to become a tax paying citizen again. I do use norml and contact my reps as my boys use. So are we the people going to point the do nothing politicians in the right direction?