Best stealth box EVER!!! Comments?


Well-Known Member
im currently doing easy ryder its ak47 and lowryder mixxed and its only gonna get to about a 12" to 18"... yields are anywhere from 2-50grams.. 50grams would have to be the most perfect grow ever and 0 stress... i say dont do 12/12 more likely to get hermies... just train it to lay over and i have seen pics of 5-6 colas forming on a stem its crazy...


Sector 5 Moderator
I wouldn't even fool with it for that tiny space. You're not going to get anything out of that, just spend a bunch of money, take big chances - for nothing. You'll be lucky if they even make it to maturity.


Active Member
im currently doing a 12-12 from seed...everything looks good to me...i startd with 2 rescued plants<they were in horrible shape and onle a few inchs tall> they turnd to be male.....and now im left with 3 from seed looking good<they are female>.. in me eyes 12-12 is worth it like u ssay u just want some personal smke so what the big deal go for it...


Well-Known Member
you could put a screen in there with one plant and scrog it. Thats probably your best bet really in such a small space.