Best Stoner Jobs!


Well-Known Member
dont hijack start your own thead. but yes best buy does. i worked for them... (how old are you? you just found out most places drug test. youve never had a job? or even looked?)

...thats an ok stoner job now that i think about it. during the holidays they order you food. good food too. like portilos. :-P

but the job i was thinking about was cart pusher for a grocery store. youre outside all day and can go to your car to toke up anytime. you dont see your bosses and you dont deal with customers. just basically hanging out all day.
The best stoner job I ever had was garbage man. I would burn one and then hang off the back of a truck with my mp3 player goin. Good weed+good music= barely notice the smell.

First day I didn't smoke anything and puked 3 times though.


Well-Known Member
The best stoner job I ever had was garbage man. I would burn one and then hang off the back of a truck with my mp3 player goin. Good weed+good music= barely notice the smell.

First day I didn't smoke anything and puked 3 times though.

nope i dont think i could handle that. although when i was a kid i want to be a garbage man just so i could hang off of the back of a moving vehicle. foreshadowing of a stoner


Active Member
i agree with the chef... being in a restaurant high is the bees knees.... especially a dish washer.. so chill... high end restaurants maybe not.. cuz u gotta be on ur game and it prolly gets fucking intense


Well-Known Member
Assistance desk supervisor. I have been sober for months (not by my own choosing) and I'm having a hard time dealing with the retards that never bother me when I'm blazed. Retail managers should receive a med card when they're hired. It's the compassionate thing to do because we have to deal with your retarded ass that can't comprehend simple math, complains about anything and everything, and is rarely ever grateful when I go out of my way to make sure they're taken care of.

Also, I get to deal with the constant worry that my job may be cut since the economy has been so shitty lately.


Well-Known Member
i was a casino attendant at a bar that was just kinda steady, like to the point where you could just kinda walk around and get your job done right, everyone i worked with was a stoner so we would always just take turns watching the place and go chief, walk home with like 75+ in cash a night. good times......


Well-Known Member
what are some chain companies that dont drug test? i need a job and most places drug test i found out. no fast food though. does best buy drug test?
Used to work for Best Buy. Had to drink about two gallons of water before the test and was able to dilute my urine and pass. This was back in high school when I was still in really good shape and coulda passed a test after a week sober.

TL DR: Best Buy drug tests.

j h

Well-Known Member
door greeter @ wal mart just sit there on a stool and give out smiley stickers


chair lift operator, IT Helpdesk for the government, masseuse for hot girls i would pay attention every part of there body

grow space

Well-Known Member
yep-woring in a Amsterdam coffe shop isnt a bad job-il think its the best,nice happy people around you and a relxful environment.

grow space

Well-Known Member
oh wait, or a rent-a cop.being just a regular security card would be really easy.just be blazed and watch people-fun as hell.