Best strain for a first time noob !!!!


allready got the easyryder on route guys !! so i guess other strains are out of the window, what could be easy to mess up in the first few weeks though cannofbliss?? ive done so much research im gonna be watching these plants like a hawk !!


Well-Known Member
that video is some funny shite finshaggy ;) LOL

to ganjagazza...

i recommend starting them off in large containers 3-5 gallon and just leave them in there...

as in dont start them in a small cup then transplant, because each and every day it is growing it is basically in "flower" and has little to no veg time...

and you dont want to have anything to restrict its growth both above the ground and below... ;)

keep lights on a 18/6 schedule or 24/0 if you must... 6 hours off is recommended most though...

have them in a fluffy/well drained soil that is not too hot... something similar to happy frog or even as low nute light warrior... just in generality... there are much better mixes one can make from scratch but foxfarm tends to do quite well...\

as most auto strains are sensitive to nutes and hotter soils and you dont want to stunt them by having too hot of a mix in the beginning because that would be again lost time it had in its tiny tiny window of veg growth period...

dont get me wrong it will continue to grow while flowering but not to its full potential if stunted in any way during the first few weeks of growth...

good luck and enjoy the grow... ;)