Best temp for reservoir water?


Well-Known Member
86F for optimal growth. Lower for less risk. I keep mine around 68-70.

Colder holds more dissolved oxygen and fights the nasties. Warmer provides for more productive growth, with a greater risk for problems.

DO is irrelevant anyway if you put enough direct aeration, and bacteria/algae can be prevented with proper res maintenance and teas or sterilization, though an outbreak will always be more likely in warmer temps.


Well-Known Member
Right now my reservoir is sitting at 72 degrees. Its usually right around 72..
Should i consider investing in a water-chiller? Or am i ok?


Well-Known Member
Keep your tank changes weekly or bi weekly 72 is fine. I'm running 73. Chiller isn't needed for 3 degrees. If your worried about it freeze a few 2L bottles of water. Change them out once or twice a day. But 60-69 is the best range. To cold and non purple buds can turn purple. My MK will stain your hands purple when I get under 60. But might do it this grow. Been ask for purp. Just haven't gotten seeds yet.


New Member
I just picked up a 3 gallon rubbermaid cooler for DWC and it is amazing. One 20 oz bottle of ice keeps it below 70* F for 12 hours with ambient temps getting as high as 90 at times.